Colored eggs. Easter

→ Colored eggs. Easter

picture - Colored eggs. EasterDyed eggs - not only supplied to the Easter table, they made was to give each other the whole Easter week. The egg was a symbol of old and emerging renewing life. This view is based on a set of practices that existed in different nations. In Russia nekotoeyh areas laid an egg in its foundation to argue the work of the builders, and the happiness and well-being did not leave its future owners.

There are several versions of where originated the custom of giving and paint eggs for Easter. Legend has it that Mary Magdalene on Easter filed the Roman Emperor Tiberius egg, painted in red - the color of the blood shed by Christ on kresete. On the egg was written "HW"Ie "Happy Easter!"

Easter on national holidays often organize games with eggs. For example, in the villages "rolled" eggs. Chose a small flat piece of land, trample down, to get a flat area. In the land made shallow wells. Each of the participants brought their painted eggs, which are laid out on the wells. The task of each participant was to roll out ponrav egg him out of the hole - then he is the winner. Eggs are rolled out with a special rag ball with flattened sides, like a wheel.

As was the custom to keep the eggs for a year until next Easter, eggs were made of wood and paint their ornaments, patterns. Later, there were eggs of porcelain, silver and precious stones.

How to paint eggs

* To dye eggs is best to use onion peel, which is collected in advance. Depending on the color of husk coloring eggs obtained from light red to dark brown. If you want to color was more saturated, the husk is necessary to take more, and cook it for about half an hour before in lower egg broth. Almost purple eggs obtained from the husk of red onion. Paint can and birch leaves or food dyes.

* To eggs when cooking does not burst, they need about an hour to hold warm or at room temperature, when boiled in water you can add a tablespoon of salt.

* In some families kept custom painted eggs "speckled". To do this, wet eggs collapses in dry rice, wrapped in cheesecloth (muslin ends must be tightly tie a thread to rice stuck to the egg) and then boiled in onion skins in the usual way.

* To colored eggs glistened, they wiped dry and lubricated with sunflower oil.

* You can boil eggs wrapped in colored thread, then they get interesting divorces.

* To eggs were painted from the inside, not outside, you need to boil them for 3 minutes, then get in some places to pierce the shell of a needle, and then boil for another 1-1.5 in strong tea leaves with the addition of cloves, cinnamon and coriander.

* To quickly paint the eggs, boil them for 10 minutes with some vegetables: spinach (green) or chopped beets (bright red). For marble effect, wrap eggs in onion peel on top and tie some cotton material.

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