Vegetable salad "Italian"

→ Vegetable salad "Italian"

picture - Vegetable salad "Italian"

150 g green beans

150 g carrots

150 g broccoli

150 g green and the same white asparagus

1 boiled egg

1 bunch of different herbs

3 tbsp. mayonnaise
some mayonnaise to choose? we'll show

3 tbsp. sour cream

2 tbsp. lemon juice

black pepper


Rinse and Pat dry beans, cut into slices broccoli, peel the asparagus, cook the vegetables separately, little sunflower, so that they have not softened till the end.

Carrots boil, not podsalivaya.

Finely chop the herbs.

Give the vegetables to cool, put them on a dish, add finely chopped egg, sprinkle with herbs.

Sour cream combine with lemon juice and mayonnaise, whisking, add salt and pepper, season vegetable salad "Italian" cooked sauce.

Recipe of the categories: