Appetizer of pita with chicken hearts and stomachs

→ Appetizer of pita with chicken hearts and stomachs

picture - Appetizer of pita with chicken hearts and stomachs

200 g chicken hearts

200 g Chicken gizzards

150 g hard cheese

6 packages of thin lavash

2 chicken eggs


green onions

vegetable fat

ground black pepper


Stomachs and hearts boil until cooked, grind in a blender.

Chop the dill and onions, combine with grind-products.

Cheese rubbed on a fine grater, add the chicken to the mass, to drive the egg yolks, salt the pepper, mix well.

Pita bread cut into triangles: the edge put cooked stuffing, roll the "cigar", the tips of grease protein.

Pan, heat the vegetable oil, then an appetizer of pita bread with chicken hearts and stomachs fried in oil on all sides until golden brown, then laid out on a paper towel to absorb the fat.

Recipe of the categories: