No unified watermelon pickle melons ..

→ No unified watermelon pickle melons ..

picture - No unified watermelon pickle melons ..

Someone tried pickled watermelon, and someone - no, but you can bet that those who ate at least once a lot more than those who tried pickled melon. It is this stunning harvesting will be discussed in this article.

If you can marinate or pickle watermelon, why not do the same with a melon? Of course you can! If you are a big fan of melon, it is unlikely to be able to remain indifferent to the marinated melons and either love them or, at least, try this wonderful delicacy.

Pickled melon in olden Serve as a side dish for grilled meat and poultry, it has a spicy sweet and sour taste. Why this work is not become as popular as, for example, pickled tomatoes, it is not clear, but the fact remains - today this food can be safely attributed to the category of unusual and very interesting. If you are not afraid to try new things and love melons, then try to make such preparation, and perhaps in the future will do it every year, delighting close so interesting snack.

How to marinate melon?

picture - No unified watermelon pickle melons ..

What to choose for pickling melon - solves every man. Some practitioners preparing the blank chefs believe that you need to take a slightly greenish, unripe fruit, others that are best suited melon average maturity, and others, that there is nothing better for marinating than mature sweet and aromatic melon, but with firm flesh. In general, the main thing - that the melon was qualitative.

Melon pickle made with vinegar and additives such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice, honey. Preparing melon is often reduced to peeled and seeds and sliced flesh into small or large pieces - it depends on the recipe.

Recipe pickling melon in a spicy marinade

Need: melon, marinade - 2-3 cloves bud, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 1 cup of water and vinegar? cup sugar, 2 tbsp honey? tsp salt, allspice to taste.

How to marinate melon. Rinse and cut the melon in half, remove peel, removing the seeds and cut into cubes pulp. Arrange the melon on the banks. Prepare all the ingredients of the marinade, cool it and pour the marinade cool melon. Cover the jars with parchment, tie it with a bandage, put in a bowl or large pan, putting banks under the thick paper, into the pot to pour water up to the level of melon (on the "shoulders" of cans), boil for 1 hour, remove from the heat and leave the pot in water and then get out of the water and remove the pickled melon deposited in the cold.

You can marinate the melon in a simpler way.

Simple recipe for pickling melon for the winter

Need: 500 g melon, 200 g of vinegar and 6% water, 30 g of honey, 10 g of salt, 1-2 bud carnations, a small piece of cinnamon.

How fast marinate melon. For the marinade combine water with honey, salt, cinnamon and cloves, bring to a boil, pour vinegar and allow to cool. Cubes cut melon pulp, put it in jars, pour the marinade cool. Cover the jars with plastic lids, take a high capacity for sterilization, put it in a towel, pour the water so that it reaches the "coat hanger" jars, boil for 40 minutes, cork lids banks.

This recipe - a slightly improved version of the old recipe, it is a little easier to perform.

You can marinate the melon and larded version.

Recipe larded with cloves marinated melon

picture - No unified watermelon pickle melons ..

Need: to 600ml of vinegar 400g sugar, clove buds, cinnamon stick.

How to marinate larded melon. Melon peeled, cut in half and remove the seeds. Cut into slices, each lard cloves and put in a bowl, fill with sugar and pour the marinade cool (vinegar + sugar + cinnamon and cloves). Daily leave a melon at room temperature, on the 2nd day drain the marinade, bring it to a boil, lower the melon, a little boil, without razvarivaya. Melon cooked with syrup packaged in banks cork.

The following recipe is different from the previous ones will not make the ingredients and method of preparation.

Recipe pickled melon-quick

Need: 3.5kg melons, 500 g sugar, 20 g of vinegar, 1.5 liter of water, 30-40 peas allspice, cloves 20-30, 10 cinnamon sticks.

How to marinate melon. Clear melon, remove seeds, cut into cubes for 1,5-2sm, dipped in boiling water and boil for 3-4 minutes, put in a colander and cool running water, pat dry. Decomposed into each jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters for 3-4 peppercorns, 1 stick of cinnamon, cloves and 2-3 melon. For the marinade to connect with the essence of water, sugar and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour marinade melon banks cover their lids, sterilized containers with water for 10 minutes, cork tightly, to cool at room temperature, turning upside down.

Try to make this interesting for the winter harvest and surprise loved ones, marinated melon - it is really original!

Recipe of the categories: