Compote of melon for the winter

→ Compote of melon for the winter

picture - Compote of melon for the winter

Melon is one of the most popular products in the summer season, fragrant and juicy, it gives pleasure not only because of its wonderful taste, but also due to the fact that perfectly satisfies thirst. For all who want to have the opportunity to enjoy a melon not only in the summer will be interesting compote recipes that you can prepare it for the winter.

Stewed fruit with melon cooked very simply, and, with the harvesting of the summer, in the winter you with the great pleasure will enjoy this aromatase and delicious drink that will become a bright and pleasant memories of summer.

Recipes compote of melon a lot, but usually they are either with only one melon or melon and sour fruits, such as plums. We will talk about cooking the most delicious melon compote.

It is best for preparation of compotes suitable ripe melon with firm elastic flesh.

The recipe is simple compote of melon for the winter

You will need: 500g fresh melon, 2 cups water, 0.5 cups of sugar.

How to make a compote of melon. Purified from the peel and seed the melon cut into slices, sprinkle with sugar, 2-3 hours put into the refrigerator. Next, the melon syrup combine in a saucepan of boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes. Next, the juice is cooled, poured into sterile banks and corked.

Especially for those who have more confidence in the blanks with citric acid, which certainly will not allow them to spoil the recipe melon compote with this Supplement.

Recipe melon compote with citric acid

You will need: 650 g of sugar, 1 liter of water, melon, citric acid.

How to cook the compote of melon. Purified from the seeds and peel the melon cut into medium-sized cubes. Of sugar and water boiled syrup in an enamel pan, after boiling proverif it on medium heat 10 min. to Put the melon in the syrup, boil 3-4 min, put the melon into sterilized jars 0.5 l, pour the hot syrup to cover, sterilize for 20 minutes, roll up, turn jars upside down and let cool compote at room temperature.

This compote retains all the great taste of melon.

More vibrant and rich taste differ compote of melon, cooked with acidic fruits and berries.

Recipe compote of melon and plums

picture - Compote of melon for the winter

You will need: 250 g of melon, 6-10 plums, 3 cups of water ? Cup sugar, 2 tbsp wine 1 pinch of citric acid.

How to make a compote of melon for the winter. Cut the plums in half, remove the seeds. Lower the plums in boiled water and sugar syrup, bring to boil, allow to cool, pour the wine and put sliced pulp of melon, lemon salt, then pour the compote on banks and roll.

You can combine the melon with several additional fruit.

Recipe melon compote with Apple and plums

You will need: 500 ml of water, 80g Apple, 60g melons, 40 g of sugar and plums.

How to prepare for the winter compote with melon. Clear plums from seed, apples, peel and seeds, melon slice. Pour Apple peel with water for 10-15 minutes to boil and strain the broth. Pour in hot broth sugar, put the apples, 6-8 min to boil, put the plums, bring to boil, remove the compote from the heat, put the melon, pour into sterile banks and cork.

Both children and adults tasty fruit drinks with melon love for all lovers of this berry-fruit such procurement will certainly become one of the most favorite!

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