Cherry Pie

→ Cherry Pie

picture - Cherry Pie

In the summer we are happy to pamper yourself and your loved Cherry Pie. Tasteless, they just can not be! The smell of this fruit, its juiciness, acidity, bright color is converted into a masterpiece of the product even from the simplest test.

Of course, Cherry Pie can be prepared and in the winter of frozen and canned fruits, especially cherries that does not lose flavor and aroma during freezing, but the greatest pleasure they are able to deliver at a time when the crop matures, and warm, tight scarlet berries bryzzhut juice.

Holiday open cherry pies, appetizing lying on a platter; fragrant, juicy pies closed; Cherry Pie, mixed with a test that is so convenient to wrap on the road - all this splendor is preparing easy.

Cherry Pie can create out of different test - sand, fresh water, yeast, puff. Add the vanilla to the batter - a combination of vanilla and cherry flavors great! Sift flour sure if you use baking powder, then add it to the flour by sieving.

If you do not mix cherries with the test and make a layer of cherry filling, sprinkle with toppings starch. So she will be spread and will not spoil a beautiful view.

If you are decorating a cake with fruit, sprinkle with breadcrumbs previously that absorb excess juice.

If the cake began to burn, not propekshis, place in oven capacity with water.

To make it easier to pull the cake out of the mold, hold it a couple of minutes over the steam or wrap a towel soaked in ice water.

Today we will prepare a delicious and easy cake with cherries.

Cherry Pie Recipe

picture - Cherry Pie


  • Cherry bez kostochek - 700 g,
  • slivochnoe oil - 90 g,
  • flour - 130 g,
    some flour to choose? we'll show
  • 2 eggs,
  • Sugar - 130 g,
  • 1 hr. Lozhka razryhlitelya,
  • paketik vanilnogo sugar.

How to cook with pirog vishney. Butter, softened at room temperature, whisk with sugar until fluffy. Add two eggs and continue beating. Add the sifted flour with baking powder and vanilla. Knead the dough mixer on low speed. We spread the dough ready in split form, laid by greased baking paper. Pour cherry on top and press down with her hands. Do not be worrying that test a little, and cherry lies thick layer. During baking the dough will rise very much, and take all the berries.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees and put it in the pie for about 45-50 minutes. Ready cake generously sprinkled with powdered sugar, did not seem to sour. Evenly sprinkle the powder can be by using a sieve.

Videoretsept cake with cherries of dough

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