Melon in wine jelly

→ Melon in wine jelly

picture - Melon in wine jelly

What you need:

400 g melon

200 g a sweet white wine

12 g gelatin

1 sugar - tablespoon

1/2 juice a lemon and a teaspoon

Soak the gelatine in 100 g of cold water for 10 minutes.

Divide the melon in half and remove the seeds. Remove from melon balls with a notch or cut the flesh into cubes.

Bring the water with the sugar to a boil. Cool.

Will attedit gelatine from the water, mix it with sugar syrup, bring to a boil. Add wine and lemon juice. Cool, but zastudnevaniju avoid.

Put the melon balls layers in the ice-cream bowls. Pour gelatin mixture and refrigerate to jelly frozen.

Bon appetit!

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