How to determine that the baby want to eat?

→ How to determine that the baby want to eat?

picture - How to determine that the baby want to eat?It is known that young children grow very quickly, so it is vital energy, which comes from nutrients in the diet.

But how to determine full Lee child, will he those calories that he has already received? It is very important to control satiety baby, especially for babies up to 1 year.

The most important rule: do not feed your baby, if he does not want. He is also small, but believe me, you better know how much food it needs. Of course, it is easier to understand their rovinescu, if you are breastfeeding. Usually the kid was full, turns away and falls asleep. However, if it is artificial or mixed feeding, then you will be much more difficult to determine the norm. But do not worry, let the pictures on the bottle, the doctors ' advice and "smart books" don't scare you. The individual baby and everything in his life, including food, too. Overfeeding is also impossible, because, oddly enough, often poor appetite because of this.

picture - How to determine that the baby want to eat?If your baby is hungry, he is not naughty, he is cheerful and calm. In addition, almost no problems with a chair. He regularly putting on weight.

If between feedings, the baby's nervous, greedily grabs the chest, and then suddenly lets go and cries, her mouth dry, and not wet, chair of rare and scarce, you need to make every effort to fix it, so the child is clearly loses milk.

But it won't be six months, you will notice that it is much easier than you think. For about 6 months, the child will be able to show you, he wants to eat or not. First, gestures, then short words.

So, dear mother, listen more to your heart, your child, and stick to only the most important aspects of feeding.

In the meantime, there is a small list that you can focus on:

For baby breastfeeding:

picture - How to determine that the baby want to eat?&&171;Kid hungry!&&187;
� He was swinging legs and arms
� Cries and is very concerned about
� Smile at you when you start to feed

&&171;the Baby is well fed!&&187;
� Disgusted face from the nipples or Breasts
� Stops sucking milk
� Falls asleep

For the kid who eats with a spoon:

picture - How to determine that the baby want to eat?&&171;Kid hungry!&&187;
� Reaches for the spoon with his mouth open
� Attempts to independently eat or take food
� Language - want to grab a spoon, leaning forward

&&171;the Baby is full already!&&187;
� Disgusted face from spoon
� Pushes the tongue or spits at the mouth food
� Looks around and distracted by surrounding actions

Recipe of the categories: