Bento from Japan with love

→ Bento from Japan with love

picture - Bento from Japan with loveBento is a small portion of the box lid, filled with food, which the Japanese take on the job, in school, in the street. It's not just lunch. Bento is an art. If the Japanese have to eat in a public place, he will do it beautifully and with dignity.

Tradition Bento in Japan for over 100 years. Every day the Japanese carefully collect Bento for their loved ones, relatives and respected people, beautiful packaging food in a colorful box. These kits can take not only on the road, in school or at work, but go with them to visit. In Japan to receive a gift Bento is a sign of attention, care and respect of the donor to the person for whom this set was going.

The most attractive food for children

Traditionally Bento consists of rice, meat or fish, fresh or roasted vegetables and dessert. All products are chosen very carefully, because from the moment of preparation before lunch Bento takes several hours, and the products must not have been damaged.

Decorate food for children

All components included in the box are divided into small pieces so it was easier to eat. Boxes may be made of plastic mass production or piece instances of wood of valuable breeds of manual work. Boxes varnish, decorated with miniatures, and sometimes they look like a work of art.

Draw the food on the plate

Buy Bento in any supermarket in Japan or in a specialty store. But most Japanese take boxes collected and Packed caring hands of Japanese women. The art of matching products, decorating and making Bento is one of the essential skills that you must possess each of the Japanese housewife.

However, the children themselves often gladly prepare Bento for modern moms because there is less time for traditional household responsibilities at home.

picture - Bento from Japan with love

picture - Bento from Japan with love

picture - Bento from Japan with love

picture - Bento from Japan with love

picture - Bento from Japan with love

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