Cake "Tangerine"

→ Cake "Tangerine"

picture - Cake "Tangerine"

400 g canned mandarins

300 g yogurt (fat content of 3.5%)
what kind of yogurt to choose? we'll show

250 g fat-free cottage cheese

200 g muesli

150 g orange marmalade

30 g jelly

2 fresh Mandarin

1 glass sugar

4 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. lemon juice

Mix sugar, butter and granola, put in the form, remove the cake in the fridge.

To prepare mashed canned mandarins, without syrup.

Beat the cream cheese with lemon juice and yogurt, combine with mashed potatoes.

Combine syrup and jelly, bring to boil, to enter the curd mass.

Peel fresh tangerines, disassemble them into slices, 10 defer the rest to add to the cream.

The cake from muesli to smear cream, put in the refrigerator.

Before serving, arrange tangerine marmalade cake and slices of tangerines.

Recipe of the categories: