Tangerine pie

→ Tangerine pie

picture - Tangerine pie

for the dough:

3 eggs few drops of almond flavoring

100 g sugar

50 g ground almonds

75 g flour
what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show

50 g starch

2 tsp. baking powder

8 g gelatin

250 g mascarpone

315 ml 2 cans Mandarin oranges (on )

6 tbsp. orange liqueur

75 g powdered sugar

1 lemon juice

600 ml cream

400 g biscuit cookies

1 sachet filling for cake

Grease the bottom of a split form. Separate whites from yolks. Mix the yolks, flavoring, 75 g of sugar and 3 tablespoons of hot water. Beat the whites with 25 g of sugar and put on top. Add the almonds, flour, starch and baking powder. Fill the form and bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Soak the gelatine. Mix mascarpone, 4 tablespoons of liqueur and powdered sugar. Dissolve gelatin in lemon juice and mix with cream. Cool z0 minutes. Beat 400 ml cream and add to the cream with 1/2 tangerines. Cut the cake horizontally. Put 1/2 of the cream on the first cake. Soak 10 pieces of biscuits 2 tbsp. spoons likery to put on top. Spread remaining cream and cover with the second sheet. Shake 200 ml of cream to cover the cake. The remaining biscuits to put on the edges. Chill 2 hours. Cover the cake with tangerine. Prepare the sauce with tangerine juice, pour over the oranges and let harden.

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