Cake "Flowers Rain"

→ Cake "Flowers Rain"

picture - Cake "Flowers Rain"


1900 g egg

1000 g sugar

300 g wheat flour
some flour to choose? we'll show

100 g Cocoa powder

200 g butter

100 g Whole condensed milk with sugar

2 g vanillin

5 g cognac

0.05 g gelatin

3 g citric acid

100 g powdered sugar


decoration krahmalnozhelatinovoe

Mastic sugar

0.8 g Essence Fruit

To prepare the biscuit half norms eggs, egg yolks, whisk until the sugar increased threefold. One part by weight of connect with the flour and the other with flour, and cocoa.

Pour both masses in the three forms of the same so that in each form had plenty of light and dark colors, and bake at 200 � C.

To prepare the cream souffl, beat butter with condensed milk white hot, add the vanilla and brandy. Whisk the egg whites with the remaining sugar until thick mass. Part of the mass leave for decoration. The resulting protein mass connect with butter cream, add the prepared gelatin and flavoring essence.

Connect the three-layer sponge pre-impregnated with their syrup and oil cream souffl.

Pattern the protein cream, sugar and mastic starch-gelatin decoration.

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