Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

→ Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

picture - Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

If at the end of July and August to go into the forest away from the city, the home can be back with lots of blueberries. After eating her enough, you will face the question: what do you do with all this fruit? As of course to cook wonderful blueberry jam!

Jam from this healthy and tasty berries like blueberries has many healing properties, because blueberries are a lot of such useful substances as manganese, organic acids, vitamins, etc.

The regular consumption of blueberries helps prevent heart disease, improves vision, strengthens blood vessels, improves memory, rejuvenates the whole body. Also this berry helps to maintain normal weight, prevents the development of infectious diseases.

Jam blueberry cake, which I love both children and adults due to its great taste. It can be served both independently and serve as a filling for pies and cakes, but can cook it in many recipes.

Recipes for blueberry jam

picture - Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

To jam, you can only blueberries and sugar, or with different additives, ranging from water to various alcoholic beverages. Different may be the time of his cooking, but as you know, the less lasts heat treatment, the more different vitamins stored in the berries, so it's best of all possible recipes to choose those in which berry less cook. We cover all versions jam of blueberries, so you can choose the recipe to your liking.

The recipe is simple jam of blueberries

You will need: 1 kg of blueberries, 500g of sugar.

How to cook jam blueberry. Berry cover with water - damaged berries and debris will pop up, then a couple more times to rinse the berries. Obsushenny blueberries pour into a saucepan, cover with sugar, and leave for two hours to release the juice, and during this time several times to mix. When you receive the juice, to include under the pan low heat and cook the berries for 20-30 min, continuously removing the foam. Pour hot jam in sterilized banks, cover and put the jars in the boiling water to sterilize another 5-10 minutes, then roll up and allow to cool to jam at room temperature.

To make blueberry jam, and an even smaller amount of sugar. The next version of this preset can be called a diet, as sugar in it very little.

Recipe blueberry diet jam

picture - Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

You will need: 4 cups blueberries, ? cups of sugar.

How to make blueberry jam. Berry wash, sort, put in a deep pan, previously giving blueberries dry, include a very low heat and wait for the juice, stirring berry. In boiling the berries add sugar, stir, boil the jam for another minute, then turn the heat off and allow the jam to cool. The cooled jam pour into sterile banks, cork and store in a cool dark place.

A very interesting option - blueberry jam-the jelly.

The recipe is jam-jelly blueberry

You will need: 7 cups sugar, 5 cups blueberries 3 cups of water.

How to make blueberry jelly. To sort and wash the berries in a saucepan until boiling, bring the water and pour the prepared blueberries, bring to boil and add sugar, boil the jam for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam. Hot pour the jam in sterilized banks, cork.

It jams thick - syrup obtained in the form of jelly and berries should not be razvaristyi - they must save the form.

You can use a more traditional recipe for making jam with water, which can weld the workpiece from almost any fruit.

The traditional recipe of blueberry jam

picture - Jam blueberry - a variety of recipes

You will need: 2 pounds of blueberries, 700g of sugar, 100 ml water, 1/2H.l. the lemon juice.

How to prepare for the winter jam blueberry. Iterated and washed berries dry, 2 cups pour into a blender, grind. In a pot pour water, add sugar, on a slow fire to cook the syrup as soon as the sugar begins to melt, add chopped blueberries, then after another 5 minutes add the remaining sugar, then bring everything to a boil. Pour the boiling syrup and blueberry mass remaining berries, cook for 25min at the end of cooking pour the lemon juice. Pour hot jam in sterilized banks, roll up, upside down turn and wrap to cool blanket.

For anybody not a secret that blueberry jam is very useful, but it can be made even more useful, if not to cook with sugar and water, and honey.

Recipe blueberry-honey jam "Health"

You will need: 1 kg of blueberries, 1 Cup of liquid honey, 2 tbsp rum any.

How to make jam from blueberries with honey. To sort, wash blueberries, put in a colander, Pat dry, put in an enamel container for jam, to stretch, without turning into mush, but achieving juice. Put the berries on the stove to heat, stirring, bring to a boil, immediately after boiling, reduce the heat to almost minimum - jam should continue weak boil. Next one spoon to enter in a jam, honey, every time well all mixing, laying out all the honey, pour the rum, mix well and put jam into sterilized jars. Roll jam blueberry sterile metal lids upside down flip and allow to cool.

Whichever recipe jam of blueberries you choose, you can rest assured that this procurement will be very tasty. In winter, the whole family will be with great pleasure to enjoy it!

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