Hot chocolate - are preparing themselves

→ Hot chocolate - are preparing themselves

picture - Hot chocolate - are preparing themselves

And drink, and dessert! Hot chocolate - a treat for the whole family, you can easily and quickly prepare for the joy of home. About the best recipes will be discussed in this article.

This dessert is an interesting story: its triumphal march around the world began in the 16th century, when it came to Europe thanks to Hernan Cortes - Spanish general who brought with him from Mexico Aztec drink recipe "chokolatl." For a long time the Spaniards kept secret all that was due to the drink and its preparation, and because of it was even executed more than 80 people! But gradually, however, the recipe has spread to Europe, first to the Spaniards joined the Italians who know the chocolate through the efforts of Francesco Carletti, ferret out the recipe for chocolate drink nuns Mexican city of Oaxaca. The hot chocolate was in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, etc.

Hot chocolate is widely used for medical purposes, he was considered a tonic, aphrodisiac. And when, in the 18th century, the British invented to add milk to it that gives the drink ease, it became public and very popular.

Today hot chocolate - one of the most popular drinks in the world, along with coffee and tea, drink it all over the place, and like a lot. Especially nice cup of delicious warming drink in inclement weather, so most of it is cooked in the winter.

The second title of hot chocolate - cocoa, but not quite right to regard them as one and the same drink. First prepared from melted chocolate and the second - from the cocoa powder in a hot chocolate made to add spices and beating it in the foam, and cocoa just typically diluted with water or milk.

Hot chocolate recipes

picture - Hot chocolate - are preparing themselves

We will tell you about the most simple recipes, so that you can easily cook a delicious real hot chocolate.

As a rule, hot chocolate made from tile, which melted, mixed with milk or cream and seasoned with spices, then whipped to a froth. Technology of preparation of the drink, so is quite simple, and can even make it any inexperienced cook.

Simple recipe for hot chocolate

Need: 250ml milk or cream 10% 100g dark chocolate, 1-2 tablespoons water, whipped cream, sugar - to taste.

How to quickly prepare hot chocolate. To break a chocolate bar into pieces, put into a container and put it in a water bath (or in a double boiler). In melted chocolate add 1-2 tbsp of water, mix until uniform. Pour in the chocolate separately boiled milk or cream, a thin stream of pouring it into the chocolate, whisking continuously mass. Vliv whole milk, continue beating within a few minutes. Pour chocolate into cups, fill with whipped cream and sugar if desired.

Make a delicious hot chocolate is very easy - try it, and certainly will cook it all the time! Well, we move on to the next recipe - let's see how prepared hot chocolate are the most Spaniards, who were its pioneers in our continent.

Hot chocolate recipe in Spanish

You will need: 60g grated dark chocolate, 2 cups milk, 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp without gorochki ground cinnamon and sugar.

How to make hot chocolate in Spanish. Beat the yolks, adding a little milk. Rest of the milk boil, add the grated chocolate and sugar, cinnamon, warm over low heat stirring constantly. Remove the chocolate from the heat, enter the yolk, stir and drink immediately apply.

Interesting recipe hot chocolate in Spanish will appeal to all who love to cook famous drinks in the classic recipes. However, these recipes, of course, a lot, and from region to region, they can be very different. For example, hot chocolate prepared in Austria.

Recipe for making hot chocolate in the Austrian

picture - Hot chocolate - are preparing themselves

You will need: 100g chopped chocolate, 1 orange (peel), 1.5 cups milk 4 tablespoons heavy cream? tsp cinnamon, cinnamon sticks, powder for hot chocolate.

How to cook a hot chocolate in the Austrian. To break a chocolate bar, with peel, cinnamon and 3 tablespoons Melt milk over low heat while stirring (you can melt in a water bath or in a double boiler), pour the rest of the milk, bring to low heat to boil while stirring. Whip cream in a thick cream. Pour the hot chocolate in the cup, put in 1 tablespoon each cream and cinnamon sticks.

There are many recipes for this wonderful drink, for example, someone who likes to cook it with coffee, thereby enhancing tonic effect.

Recipe of hot chocolate with coffee

You will need: 250g of melted chocolate and hot strong brewed coffee, whipped cream.

How to make hot chocolate with coffee. Melt the chocolate, pour it into the hot strong coffee, warm up all together and pour into cups, decorate with whipped cream.

Such a beverage can be drunk as a hot or cold.

Some connoisseurs of exquisite flavors prepared hot chocolate with rum and other alcoholic beverages, making it amplifies the warming effect.

Recipe of hot chocolate with rum

Need 5.5 cups whole milk 250g milk chocolate, 0.5 cups of heavy cream, 2 tablespoons dark rum.

How to make hot chocolate with rum. Milk, rum, cream, pour into a saucepan and turn on medium heat, bring to a boil, immediately remove from heat, put the broken chocolate, which should melt in the hot mixture. Stir the drink and serve in warmed plates.

Regardless of which recipe you may have prepared hot chocolate, it will certainly please you with its great taste, warm and always will cheer up even the coldest winter day. Prepare this drink for yourself and loved ones and enjoy all its advantages, which are so highly valued European bohemians, and continue to praise the chocolate lovers around the world today!

Recipe of the categories: