Homemade desserts: Cake "Anthill"

→ Homemade desserts: Cake "Anthill"

picture - Homemade desserts: Cake "Anthill"

Cake "Anthill" - easy to prepare, tasty and suitable for any occasion: for the holiday, and everyday tea. How to cook this wonderful cake?

The classic version of this cake is made from nezaytelivogo dough, which can make even an inexperienced housewife. For faster cooking cake can also use a ready-made cookies - small unsalted crackers and savory meatless. Cream is usually used boiled condensed milk or condensed milk with cocoa, but you can make the cake for this and other cream to your liking - chocolate sour cream and jelly, butter oil, etc. Also in the classical Anthill includes ground nuts and grated chocolate.

Cooking Cake "Anthill" consists of the following stages: preparation of dough, cooking cream and cake collection. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Dough Cake "Anthill"

If you decide to make homemade cake completely, and do not use cookies to cook the cake will take a little more time, but the result will be more impressive.

Anthill make dough for shortbread: 200 grams of butter and sour cream, 3.5 cups of flour? cup of sugar? tsp baking powder 1 pinch of salt.

How to cook the dough for a cake Anthill. Sift the flour, mix with the softened butter, sugar, baking powder and salt, knead the dough using a tablespoon, a mixer with helical blades, or just your hands to a dense homogeneous consistency - the dough should not be sticky. Remove the finished dough in the cold.

Cooking Cream Cake "Anthill"

Making cream even easier than the dough. By the way, it is better for him to use homemade condensed milk, if using a purchased, then the bank should be the words "whole". Condensed milk cream you need to boil: put it in the bank in a saucepan, cover with cold water so that it completely covered jar, boil over moderate heat for 1.5-2 hours, then put the bank under cold running water or allow it to cool at room temperature, never hot, do not open a can of condensed milk - can be very badly burned, as sgushchenka therein under pressure.

So, boiled condensed milk is ready. Now it is necessary to mix with the softened butter with a mixer. Proportion of condensed milk and butter - 1-to-1 oil should advance a little beat with a mixer and gradually add condensed milk portions. Ready cream should be removed in the cold.

Putting the cake

Dough Anthill usually mince or rubbed on a coarse grater. If you twist it in a meat grinder, use the grille with the large holes. Test strips needed after twisting cut with a knife. Next, the resulting dough pieces need to pour in the pan, the laid baking paper, greased with vegetable oil. Baking the dough is placed in a preheated to an average temperature oven, bake the dough needed to browning - about 20-30 minutes, then finished the warm dough with hands turns into crumbs, which is cooled completely.

The cream is added to the cooked-crumb base portions - so it's easier to adjust the consistency of the future of the cake. Once you have mixed all the chips with the right amount of cream mixture should be put on a dish in the form of gorochki - "anthill".

Cooked cake should be left at room temperature for half an hour, then another 1 hour in the cold to clean it properly soaked.

Subtleties of cooking cake "Anthill"

  • For this cake is allowed to prepare the dough into yogurt - in this case it replaces the sour cream (for a specified amount in the recipe above ingredients for the dough you need to take 4 tablespoons of yogurt and 3 eggs);
  • The dough can not just twist in a meat grinder - you can pick your hands, or freeze well and rub on a grater;
  • To flavor the cream, you can use lemon zest, vanilla and brandy, you can also add honey cake - it is added to the cream instead of sugar;
  • Beauty finished cake can be sprinkled with chocolate or crushed nuts, whipped cream, pour the glaze;
  • Make a cake can be "ants", "flowers", "grass" and "mushrooms" from sugar mastic, also can be used to process coconut, bananas, marmalade, dried fruits (raisins, apricots, etc.).

Cooking recipe cake "Anthill" Cookies

picture - Homemade desserts: Cake "Anthill"

You will need: 500g of any crumbly cookies, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 1 jar of cooked condensed milk, chocolate.

How to cook a cake Anthill. Nuts calcined in a dry frying pan - so the cake will taste better. Crumbled into a fine crumb cookies. Stir nuts with condensed milk and crumbled cookies, lay heaped on a platter. Chocolate in a water bath to melt (you can use any - dark, milk, white), pour the cake and remove it in the cold for a few hours for impregnation.

For those who do not have time to cook, this recipe - a real find. Cake turns out delicious, and time for its preparation takes a few minutes. Chocolate is not necessary to melt - you can just rub it on a grater and sprinkle the cake. Condensed milk can be substituted for any cream to taste.

Overpower any cooking method Anthill - from cookies or homemade dough can even novice mistress. And having mastered the classic recipe Anthill, you can feel free to experiment with cream and various additives - this cake will give a great imagination, but always done quickly and easily.

How to choose a meat grinder. We will tell.

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