Nut and honey cake

→ Nut and honey cake
picture - Nut and honey cake

1 glass nuts chopped

2 glass wheat flour
what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show

100 g honey

3/4 glass sugar

1 PCs egg

2 tbsp. sour cream

1/2 tsp. soda

For the cream:

1/4 glass nuts chopped

1/2 glass sugar

1/2 glass thick sour cream

For the glaze:

2 tbsp. cocoa powder

2 tbsp. butter

2 tbsp. milk

2 tbsp. sugar

Cream nuts, mix with sour cream and sugar.

For the icing sugar, mix with milk, cocoa, butter and warm on a water bath, stirring to dissolve the sugar.

For the dough nuts, whisk together sugar, egg, honey, sour cream and flour mixed with baking soda. Divide the dough into 3 parts, bake cakes 10-15 minutes at 220� C.

The cakes cool and lay on each other, Prokaeva cream. Pour cake icing and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

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