Cheesecakes or curd - is there a difference?

→ Cheesecakes or curd - is there a difference?

picture - Cheesecakes or curd - is there a difference?
Cheesecakes - famous dish from Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. Regular pancakes with cottage cheese for Breakfast improve mood in the morning as well as afternoon tea - brighten infinite weekday. Cheesecakes are always associated with pleasant memories from childhood: beloved grandmother bakes them for Breakfast, mom is asking for help to make cottage cheese, or you decide to fry them first and you got it!

The cake is easy to prepare dish that you can easily modify the recipe, constantly fantasizing with ingredients. In cheesecakes, you can add raisins or dried apricots, Apple, pear, banana. In the summer for fresh cheesecakes, you can add the mint leaves. Cheesecakes do not have to be a sweet dish, you can cook without sugar, for instance, by adding herbs, onions or potatoes. You can fry the cakes in breadcrumbs.

The cakes can also be baked in the oven and even boil. Boil, by the way is quite simple: they are thrown into boiling water, and then take out with a slotted spoon.

Served cheesecakes with sour cream, jam, honey or any other sauce of your choice.

The main question that can specify the lovers of this dish: why cheesecakes, instead of curd? In cheesecakes and cheese there, where is the name?

And actually everything is simple. In Russia there was no such definition of a fermented milk product as "cheese". Then these dairy products called "cheese", from the word "raw". The fact, then, that the cheese did not add any additives. The milk was turned into a milk product naturally and was considered a "raw" product. Or just "cheese".

Definition of cheese in Russia appeared only when it began to appear in various European factories for the production of cheese. It is foreign cheese-makers have raised the concept of "cheese" and "cheese", declaring them to be two different products. After that, many people have become cheesecakes called curd, hence there was some confusion. But, by the way, in some villages, the cheese is still cheese and call.

Cheesecakes or curd is not important. Most importantly, it is the Slavic dish. Milk in Russia was not kept for weeks, quickly sour (not that our store!). So the hostess was up with all sorts of dishes and methods of its processing. There were pancakes, cottage cheese, given the simple name "cheesecakes". The recipe is simple and delicious has survived and remains a popular and much loved.

For those wishing to cook a delicious cheesecakes, according to tradition, a few tips:

  1. Use only high-quality cheese! For a good cheese sour curd will not work.
  2. For fans of dietary prepare cheesecakes are not in the pan and in the oven. In silicone molds, for example.
  3. For cheesecakes suitable drier cheese and not too greasy (too liquid can fall apart). But if the cheese is too dry, then it is better to soften, add the sour cream, yogurt or milk.
  4. The secret of the most delicious cheesecakes - hand-made cottage cheese.
  5. During cooking cheesecakes do not regret vegetable oil. Then they will get particularly air and toasty.
  6. The flour can be replaced semolina. According to many chefs, even so it turns out delicious.
  7. If you love cheesecakes for Breakfast, and you don't have time to cook them, make blanks!

Just PM namesite curd mixture and shape the patties and put them in the refrigerator.In the morning, fry, and you will have a delicious Breakfast.

Pancakes with cottage cheese

picture - Cheesecakes or curd - is there a difference?
You will need: 600-700 grams cheese, 100 grams of flour, 1 egg, 100 grams sugar, vanilla pinch, salt to taste, vegetable oil.
Preparation: Mix in a bowl the cream cheese, flour, eggs, vanilla, salt, sugar.
Should be smooth (you can mix in a shaker or blender).
Then form the pellet. If cottage cheese is very dense, making her thick sausage 5-6, see Cut it crosswise into pieces, dip them in flour, forming patties round shape (thickness of about 1.5 cm). If cottage cheese turned out to be quite wet, it's easier to get her a spoon, obvalivat in flour and shape the patties.

Preheat the pan with vegetable oil and fry the patties first on one side until Golden brown, then flip to the other side and fry for another 2-3 minutes, cover with lid. Heat for another 5-7 minutes on low heat.

Vienna cheese

picture - Cheesecakes or curd - is there a difference?
You will need: 1 kg of cheese, 10 eggs, 250 grams of butter, 5 tablespoons flour, 2 bags of vanilla sugar, 1 Cup sugar, 1 Cup sour cream (30% fat), orange peel, raisins, to taste, baking powder.

Preparation: Oil RUB with vanilla sugar, sugar and egg yolks. Pour in the resulting mass sour cream, add flour mixed with baking powder, beat with a mixer.

Then add cottage cheese, 2 times passed through a meat grinder, beat on the mixer. At the end stir gently with a spoon whipped protein. Add raisins ( dried apricots), zest.

Pan grease and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Bake about 2 hours at a temperature of 160 degrees to well and was gradually evaporated moisture and cheesecake is not a donkey. Baked cheesecake gently stroke the knife around the sides of the form, then remove.

Video recipe cheesecake with raisins

How to choose a meat grinder. We'll show you.

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