Monument saleswoman ice cream

→ Monument saleswoman ice cream

picture - Monument saleswoman ice cream

October 7, 2014. In the city of Blagoveshchensk appeared unusual monument - saleswoman ice cream.

In sculpture was captured not an abstract image, but a specific person: Zinaida Sinitsyna, which for 20 years has sold ice cream in front of the city park. She is remembered by many who bought ice cream there in the 1970-80s. Saleswoman, who became a symbol for the citizens of kindness and love for his work, work late and cold and heat, called the Snow Maiden.

The monument was cast in metal coated with enamel bronze, for its production took about 750tys. rubles, which were collected by townspeople. The sculpture is made in great detail: it is easy to see how much cost or that ice cream (ice cream - 19 cents, chocolate - 15 kopecks., And butter - 13 kopecks.), And set it on the very spot where she worked for almost 20 years Zinaida Sinitsyna - opposite the City Park of Culture and Recreation.

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