Child nutrition summer

→ Child nutrition summer

picture - Child nutrition summerHigh summer temperature and active solar radiation affect the metabolism in a child's body. Someone loses appetite. Others are faced with allergies or intestinal infection after getting acquainted with the new fruit.

In the summer, and at any time of the year, it is necessary to strictly comply with sanitary standards for food preparation and storage. Hands should be washed with soap and water. Running or repeatedly renewing water wash raw vegetables and fruits. Prepare vegetable and fruit salads just before serving.

Have you noticed that in the summer the children almost completely transformed to food juices, vegetables and fruits? All correctly. In the hot season there is little need for nutritious food. Let the child eat vegetables, salads, cereals, low-fat soups. Diet can vary protein. It includes dairy products, eggs, lean meat, and cheese.

So that the child does not have allergies, try to choose the vegetables and fruit grown in your region. Goods from afar, as a rule, subjected to intense chemical processing, so they are not spoiled. These chemicals can cause harm.

picture - Child nutrition summerAvoid diathesis and indigestion new products must be in the child's diet in moderation. First, give your child a couple of berries or one piece of fruit to monitor the reaction. If all goes well, I will continue tasting.

In the heat of the products are perishable. If you've traveled from home to the cottage and found jars of yogurt suspiciously swollen, then without a doubt get rid of them. Observe the storage conditions of the products to you and no children intestinal infections and food poisoning.

picture - Child nutrition summerHot summer water children need more than food. Suitable beverages such as green tea, juice and juice without sugar. Quench your thirst lightly carbonated mineral water and natural juices. Everywhere and always carry a bottle of plain carbonated water for a child in order to avoid dehydration of his body.

You can drink &&171;reserve&&187; - in the morning. In the afternoon, in the midst of heat, it is necessary to drink as needed, on demand (the same goes for food, get away from the kid, if he doesn't want to eat). Do not give the child to drink in one gulp the whole glass. Enough and half a Cup, but small SIPS and without hassle.

Quick baby summer recipes

Minced chicken cutlets

3 large chicken fillets chopped into cubes, salt and pepper, add 1 egg, a couple of tablespoons of yogurt or sour cream (optional). Bring bread croutons until cutlet consistency. Fry in hot vegetable oil, spreading with a spoon.

Fish sticks

Any frozen fish fillets (cod, pelenhas, sea bass) is defrosted, cut into cubes, add the egg, salt, pepper. Add bread croutons formed fish sticks and fry the breadcrumbs in butter.

Salad with cabbage

Finely chop the cabbage, salt, zaharim, preminum hands. Add a drop of Apple cider vinegar, leave for 5 minutes. During this time three large grated carrot, sliced green onions, dill, parsley, cucumber. Stir, season with vegetable oil.

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