Casual option "Herring under a fur coat"

→ Casual option "Herring under a fur coat"

picture - Casual option "Herring under a fur coat"

what herring to choose? we'll show






The herring to cut, remove the seeds and soak up slightly salty condition. If our herring, Odessa Ambassador, so she malacology and soak is not required.

A couple of boiled potatoes RUB on a coarse grater (this option is not festive, festive herring potato is missing, it is replaced with boiled carrots and liquor sour Apple). In everyday embodiment, the potatoes need to satiety consumers. And the festive version of it will be as rough as a Feldwebel…

Stabilem this layer of mayonnaise…

Put melkorublennuyu soaked herring, her rolling in the onion the onion,cut the smaller, the better…

Again mayonnaise…

Now the three grated hard-boiled eggs.

Again mayonnaise…

Finish with a thick layer of grated boiled beets and mayonnaise…

In everyday easier to cook in a sealed container that has not joined odors in the refrigerator…

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