Homemade chocolates - 3 simple recipe

→ Homemade chocolates - 3 simple recipe

picture - Homemade chocolates - 3 simple recipe

In this article we will talk about cooking delicious homemade chocolates. I will say it is impossible? There's nothing impossible, especially if you really want! So, prepare homemade chocolate candies with your hands.

Why cook your own hands that is sold today in any store? Causes each chef may be their is some people just want to try and get the taste of the product in the home version, others fear the harmful additives and want to protect from such products, their loved ones. Can be and other reasons. But still, the reasons are not the most important, and most importantly - a good recipe. Whether it's home-made dough, sausage or chocolates - success depends primarily on the reliability of the recipe. In order not to lose face, not spend time in vain and not to transfer the products, it is necessary to prepare the dishes, the taste of which I know all in-store execution, only good tested recipes. In this article we have collected for you the reliable recipes chocolate candy.

To prepare homemade chocolates from chocolate or cocoa powder. With the second option sweets will be more natural. Will also be easier to make candy if used for molding curly plastic mold for candy left from under the purchase candies, sold in boxes.

The first recipe: Homemade chocolates with cocoa

You will need: 50g butter, 7-St.l. sugar St.l. milk and cocoa powder, 1H.l. flour, stuffing - walnuts, orange zest, kiwi, apricots, prunes or raisins (to taste).

How to make homemade chocolates. First prepare the filling, chop the products and accordingly pre-treatment. For homemade chocolate mix cocoa and sugar, heat without boiling milk, add the cocoa with the sugar, stir thoroughly, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for another few minutes until smooth, then add the flour and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, for 3-5minutes. Remove chocolate from heat, pour into molds, filling it halfway, put the filling on candy, pour the chocolate on top and remove the chocolate in the cold for 5-6 hours, then removed from the molds and wrap each candy in foil.

The second recipe: Homemade chocolates from chocolate finish

picture - Homemade chocolates - 3 simple recipe

You will need: 300g peanuts, 100-150g chocolate black, 4 things cookies "To tea", St.l. honey, 2H.l. butter.

How to make homemade chocolate candy with chocolate and peanuts. Peel and fry the peanuts in a dry frying pan, then with a pastry blender, grind. The honey butter to put in a saucepan, bring almost to the boil, then pour in the nuts, mix well, roll out the become of the plastic mass balls the size of walnuts (with wet hands, otherwise it will stick). Melt the chocolate in a water bath, dip the balls into the chocolate, taking them two forks, a thicker layer of chocolate, dipped for the first time, to give the first chocolate layer to harden, then dip again. Candy in the chocolate out onto covered with foil plate and put into the cold to freezing at night.

Important: make chocolate candy in a warm room, but not hot - not more than 20 degrees. Make sure the molds into which is poured the chocolate, were perfectly dry - even a drop of moisture will lead to crystallization of chocolate - which, through, and candy will not work.

Another option homemade chocolates in videoretsept.

Videoretsept chocolates

Recipe of the categories: