
→ Manti

picture - Manti

Manti, buuz, the poses are all names of one and the same Oriental dishes, akin to our dumplings. Manti - easy to prepare dish, very juicy and rich. If you're a fan of dumplings, try manti.

The word "manta" came to us from the Chinese language. "Manitou" means "head mancev", the dish was invented for the sake of a kind of sacrifice to the spirits of the fallen soldiers.

Manti prepare the peoples of Central Asia, Tatarstan, Korea, Turkey, Bashkortostan, etc. Is this food made of minced meat with vegetables and greens, wrapped in a thin cake of unleavened dough (in Uighur and Dungan from yeast), steamed.

Lamb meat is used, interior, beef, goat, horse, camel, chicken, sometimes pork, and mutton fat, camel hump, udder, shrimp, fish. Vegetables put the onion, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots. Occasionally manta rays without meat, with vegetables only or a mixture of vegetables and fat, with mushrooms, cottage cheese.

Form dumplings resemble fashioned from the test round Cup with sealed top (to prevent leaking juice). There are "lazy" manti three - and four-cornered shape, these have holes in the top.

Cook them about 40-60 minutes for two in a double boiler, multiverse, special mantoverde or in the regular colander set in a pot of water. Water must not come into contact with manta rays, pour it into the pan about a quarter of the volume. The dishes that put manti, grease oil, and they manti placed at a distance from each other, so as not stuck together, rising during cooking.

The meat is cut with a knife not too small, to preserve the juiciness in the intact fibers. For juiciness put fat and a lot of onions, pour water.

If the filling is too juicy, add cut raw potatoes, radishes or pumpkin. They absorb the juice and not give them to burst. The meat was easier to cut, it can be a little freeze.

Ways of modeling there are several, the most popular classic. The filling is spread on the cake, the opposite edge of the tip and link, then nipped two side seam perpendicular to the main seam. Then close the edge of the other side. Thus, the stitches will be similar to the letter "H". Connect all edges to be rounded shape. Ready!

Serve the dish with sour cream, sour milk, eggplant, sauce tkemali, butter.

How to make manti

picture - Manti

You will need:

  • Flour - 0.5 kg,
    what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show
  • 1 egg,
  • Beef 150 g,
  • Pork - 150 g
  • Vegetable oil - 20 g,
  • Onions - 2-3 onions,
  • Sour cream - 500 g
  • Greens - 1 bunch,
  • Spices to taste.

Slide, pour in a Cup of flour on the top, make a small notch, break into it one egg and add one teaspoon of salt. Pour on the edge of the Cup 300 g of cooled boiled water, gently stirring with a fork. When everything is mixed in a Cup, begin actively knead, pouring flour if necessary. It will take about 15 minutes.

When the dough becomes elastic, cover it with a cloth and leave to rest. Do the stuffing.
Chop the meat and the onion into pieces about the size of a grain of corn. Salt and spices and add to taste, you can buy a special kit in the bag. Mix, add 100 g of water for juiciness.

Make dumplings. In the rolled out circle of dough, put a tablespoon of filling and zasypaniem dough. The side parts povorachivaet to the upper edge and connected, then fastened the far ends of both sides. Put dumplings on greased sheet Montevarchi placed over boiling water, tightly close the lid. After 40 minutes ready.

Served with sour cream and greens.

Videoretsept cooking dumplings

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