Pilaf, all of pilaf recipes

→ Pilaf, all of pilaf recipes

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesPilaf as a dish is a combination of two components: the so-called "zirvak" and cereal part. In turn zirvak is one of those components, such as meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, dried fruits, spices and condiments. Moreover, for zirvak may be specially prepared convenience foods, such as small pieces of meat, wrapped in grape leaves. Cereal part pilaf usually consists of rice, but can be used in wheat, white durra, peas, corn mash, including in the mixture.

The main difference from the other foods pilaf is not a set of products, and the preparation technology: firstly, the combination itself of two parts - a part of the grain and zirvak and secondly the fact that at least one of the parts prepared separately. These parts can be combined, or for further processing (eg in the Uzbek version of pilaf) or being ready for use (eg Azerbaijani version pilaf or fish Turkmen pilaf).

What else Done pilaf distinguish easily separable from each other grain cereal pieces, so if pilaf made from rice, in its manufacture important factor is choosing the right varieties of rice.

The most common variant of plov, is a combination of rice and zirvak consisting of fried in oil (a mixture of oil and animal fat) lamb, carrots, onion, red pepper and cumin. This risotto is prepared according to the technology adopted in Uzbekistan.

Traditionally pilaf cooked in the main for the Central Asian nomads utensils - metal cauldron (while Caucasian and Russian farmers their meals prepared in a ceramic pot - pot).

When cooking pilaf important factor is choosing the right varieties of rice.

History of occurrence pilaf

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesOriginally appeared among the Turkic nomads of Central Asia, traditionally grown sheep and trade with China, where livestock was exchanged for rice cereal. However, the origin of the legend is also associated with Alexander the Great pilaf, ostensibly which brought this dish from the Persians. In the kitchen, which is a traditional dish of risotto, has developed a special relationship to him, as for the holiday and as the most nourishing foods. Pilaf easily penetrated into the kitchen of other nations living side by side with those for which it was "his" dish. From Turks pilaf was the Greeks and the Arabs. The word "pilaf" is of Persian origin. By the way, the Uzbek proverb says: "The rich man eats plov, a poor man eats only pilaf".

Rice, the main component of which is rice, was distributed to the peoples of the East from time immemorial, and this is documented. The first mention of pilaf are found in several ancient chronicles X-XI centuries. They describe the peoples of the East holidays, weddings, celebrations and rites of remembrance, which was fed rice dishes with meat and spices - pilaf. Later chronicles also describe the popularity of this dish, and in the XVI century appears a detailed document, which is a recipe for making pilaf with minced meat, which specifies the precision technology of cooking. There is even a legend, which tells how a medieval scholar Avicenna to cure a gentleman used a dish with rice and meat, and which he called pilaf.

Ever since its inception, to trace who exactly is not possible, rice was considered among the peoples of the East is not just good and tasty food, but also a remedy to help with various ailments. After a hard labor, prolonged fasting or bloody battle, the man in the first place offers just pilaf, because they believed, and I must say rightly that this dish will quickly regain strength, prevent further depletion, human health and will return to raise his spirits.

To have survived almost all recipes and cooking techniques pilaf, which were subsequently improved and perfected. Who is the national dish of risotto Tajiks, Uzbeks and Kazakhs, as well as widespread in the Azerbaijani, Armenian and Arabic cuisine. In Afghanistan, Turkey, Tatarstan and in all the other Arab countries pilaf is also very popular.

Features cooking pilaf

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesDifferent people have their own particular cooking pilaf. For example, in the Tajik national cuisine there are dozens of recipes pilaf, the most famous of which - it gelak Palau (pilaf with meatballs), pilaf in Dushanbe, rice with chicken, rice "Ugro" Siauliai (rice porridge with meat) and traditional Tajik pilaf. Technology of preparation of these dishes have differences due to the peculiarities of the original ingredients, cooking methods and design features. But there are also combining their similarities, for example, almost every Tajik pilaf cooked with butter and cooking perekalivaniem zirvak, overcooked onions in a highly tense fat with carrots, herbs and spices.

Tajik pilaf cooked in cast iron boilers using kurdjuchnogo and baked mutton fat, vegetable oils or mixtures of vegetable and animal fats. Fats are always baked and flavored meat roasting pits or onions. The temperature of the oil may reach 200 C or more. Pilaf is made from mutton, beef and poultry. Meat for pilaf previously washed and cut into pieces. Depending on the type pilaf pieces may be 20 g and 1 kg. Fig always sorted, washed and soaked in salted warm water for 2-3 hours. Carrots cleaned and chopped into fine strips. Pilaf usually use the yellow varieties of carrots. Of the spices used red and black pepper, barberry, anise, cumin, raisins, saffron, garlic, and sometimes add quince, dried fruit and grape leaves. When submitting pilaf on the table, it is placed on a slide plate or large round dish, placed on top of the meat and sprinkle with herbs and pomegranate seeds. By afloat serves a variety of fresh salads, vegetables, herbs and fruits.

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesIn Uzbek cuisine pilaf cooked with minced meat in combination with meat, onions and carrots. In the Uzbek cuisine, there are several recipes pilaf, and they differ mostly depending on the meat. In any Uzbek pilaf put a lot of fat of vegetable or animal origin. The most common type of cooking Uzbek pilaf characterized by the fact that vegetables and rice are cooked in one pot. For the Uzbek cuisine is characterized by several successive steps of cooking pilau regardless of its type. First - perekalivanie fat. Cast iron boiler is strongly heated, and it is filled with cotton or vegetable oil. During perekalivaniya first appears dark smoke, then it becomes white. Vegetable oil over a moderate fire overheat, occasionally stirring it with a slotted spoon. Onion, tossed in butter, neutralizes the bitter substances contained in the oil. Mutton fat cut into cubes, melt and remove the cracklings, then heated for another 5-7 minutes on very low heat. It is necessary to destroy the excess specific smell. The next step - preparing zirvak (seasoning) and stews. Products overcook so that they have retained their original appearance. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the food will not stick to the bottom of the boiler, and accordingly adjust the fire. Salt and water were put in pilaf twice. Zirvak should simmer on low heat. Spices added to it after extinguishing products. After zirvak is ready laying Fig. Be sure that zirvak not mixed with rice, and the rice was on the surface zirvak, forming thick, otherwise it will stick to the bottom of the boiler. After bookmark rice pilaf need to add salt and cook until ready.

In the Turkmen pilaf kitchen for cooking pilaf is used mainly lamb, less game - partridge, waterfowl, as well as meat birds, deer and gazelles. Horse meat is not used.

Afghan way of cooking plov is remarkable in that seasoning cooked in one pot, and rice in the other.

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesIn Azerbaijan kitchen used several recipes pilaf, depending on the meat and other ingredients, and rice is prepared in two ways - flip boiled rice and neotkidnoy. Pilaf cooked with lamb, fish, vegetables, berries and fruits. All titles mostly indicate used in pilaf ingredients: pilaf with kaurma, Sabz-kaurma, chygyrtma, rice lobby-Chilov, Juju-plov (pilaf with chicken), etc. Folding rice is prepared as follows: Fig sorted, soaked for several hours in cold water, placing a gauze bag with salt. Then rice washed with warm water, put in boiling salted water with respect to 1 kg of rice 6 liters of water and cook until tender. Then throws in a colander. In a pan put oil and heat. Then on the bottom of the dish put pita bread and covered with boiled rice until half. Bring pilaf over low heat. Then pilaf sprinkled with melted butter.

The melt is prepared in a large cauldron in Armenian cuisine pilaf is usually called "melt." There are two ways to prepare melt - melt and melt flip pripusknoy (kashovi).

Some recipes pilaf

Pilaf "Ugro"

The meat is cut into pieces of 25 - 30 grams, fry until golden brown, add onions and carrots, cut into strips, and continue to fry for another 10 - 15 minutes.

Fresh dough is kneaded, rolled out thin, cut into noodles and dried in Ovens until golden brown. Then cooled noodles and pounded to the size of rice grains, put in a bowl with roasted meat, pour water and cook until tender. When submitting pilaf stack slide and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Served separately vegetable salad.

Traditional Tajik pilaf

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesStrongly heated oil and fry it in the bones remaining after the removal of the pulp to brownish-red when the bones browned, add onions, shredded into strips and fry it 3 - 4 minutes. Then put the meat, cut into pieces and fry it until golden brown. When the meat is browned, add the carrots, shredded strips, pepper, cumin, barberry. Fry all together for 8 - 10 minutes. Fried vegetables and meat fill with water, salt, boil over low heat, add the pre-soaked rice in salted water. Leveled all slotted spoon and cook. The amount of water depends on the pilaf rice varieties; the average amount of water should be about 1.5 times the weight of the rice.

When the water boils away, rice harvested slide, tightly closed pot with a lid and bring to simmer until cooked pilaf for 20 - 25 min. When submitting pilaf usually placed slide, spread on top of the meat, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Served separately salad vegetables.

Gelak Palau (pilaf with meatballs)

Mutton or beef (pulp) together with the garlic and onion mince. In minced meat add salt, cumin, stir and put in a cool place for 2 - 3 hours. The formed meatballs weighing 20 - '25

Strongly heated oil and fry it in the onion and chopped carrot portion, pour the water, so that it covered products. All bring to a boil. Put the meatballs and stew for 10-15 minutes. Then add the remaining carrots, poured rice, salt and bring to the readiness. When serving rice stack slide, on top of the meatballs. Sprinkle with finely sliced green.

Pilaf in Dushanbe

Lamb meat (pulp) is passed through a meat grinder with onions. In minced meat add salt, pepper and mix. Boil hard boiled eggs. Minced meat rolled into a round flat cakes, wrapped in them peeled eggs and fry until soft.

In much the hot fat lightly fried chopped onions, carrots, pour all the water, allow to boil. Then laid a layer of meat stuffed eggs, add salt, pepper, cumin, barberry and rice. Align all the skimmer, if necessary adding water. When the rice absorbs the water, and the water boils away, rice tightly cover with a lid and bring to a readiness to simmer for 25-30 minutes.

Pilaf with chicken

Chicken cut into portions pieces and fry until golden brown, add the fine-cut onions and carrots, cut into strips. Fry all within 5-10 minutes, after the water is poured and quenched 10-15 min. Then add rice and stew until until the rice will absorb the water. After that, cover with a lid and bring to a readiness to simmer.

Siauliai (rice porridge with meat)

The meat is cut into small pieces, fry, add the onions and fry it until golden brown, pour water or broth, add the carrots, cut into cubes, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. In boiling water, put a pre-washed rice. Cooking with the lid open until the water boils away. Then cover with a lid and put in the oven and bring to the readiness. When submitting decorate with greenery.

Fish pilaf

1 can of canned fish in oil, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 cup of rice, 3 tbsp. tablespoons ketchup 2 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil 5 cloves of garlic.

Wash rice and put on fire. In a deep frying pan, fry the onion in butter, carrots, add any canned fish and ketchup to taste. Add garlic, finely chopped. When the rice is cooked, rinse, so as not to stick together and put it in the pan. Mix well. Season with salt.

Pilaf in Samarkand

picture - Pilaf, all of pilaf recipesTracing the history of this dish can say with certainty that the pilaf in Samarkand is one of the oldest types of pilaf and more than one thousand years. To prepare "separate" pilau rice should be washed three or four times in cold water, put in a pot of salted water to boil to give.
(In this Figure the recipe water and taken in equal amounts, i.e. 1 kg of rice 1 liter of salt water put 1 teaspoon).
Then shift the figure in a sieve and let drain water. Clear carrots and generally a boil together with meat. Cooked meat cut into chunks and carrots, julienne, mix well, add a little salt, ground black or red pepper. In much the hot fat or oil overcook the onions. When the onions browned, remove from the boiler and mix it with meat and carrots. This dish is served to each diner at the box office or plates. In every cash polzhit little cooked rice, pour it very hot oil, lay on top of the meat, carrots, onions, then pour the remaining butter and serve. Per 1 kg rice 400g of meat, 400g carrots, 400g, onion, 300g-fat. Salt and spices - to taste.

Pilaf Turkish

- lamb - 500g
- rice - 1 cup
- vegetable oil - 3 tbsp
- Garlic - 1 clove
- almonds (peeled) - 3 tbsp
- onions - 2 onions
- broth - 3/4 l
- tomato paste - 2 tbsp
- raisins - 100g
- Saffron - a pinch
- salt, ground red pepper - to taste
Method of preparation
In a pot with thick walls fry in butter clove of garlic and almonds. Remove the garlic, put the chopped onion and fry until golden brown. Then fry the pieces of meat until crisp,

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