Barbecue in eggplant

→ Barbecue in eggplant

picture - Barbecue in eggplant

600 g mutton flesh

4 eggplant

3 tbsp. vegetable oil

2 tbsp. vinegar 3%

black pepper


Slice the meat cubes.

Pepper, salt, vinegar and oil to mix, pour over the marinade, mix well, remove for 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Cut the eggplant lengthwise, season with salt and leave for 15 minutes, rinse, Pat dry.

Remove meat from marinade, Pat dry, put it in eggplant, strung on skewers (to capture and pieces of meat and eggplant), fry the kebabs on the grill for 15 minutes, turning.

Submit a barbecue in the eggplant, put it on the lettuce, garnirovat tomatoes, onion rings, fresh herbs and green onions.

Recipe of the categories: