Okroshka on katyk and kvass

→ Okroshka on katyk and kvass

picture - Okroshka on katyk and kvass

500 ml katyk / tours / sour milk

500 ml kvass

200 g sausage
some sausage to choose? we'll show

100 ml Brine

5 eggs

3-4 cucumber

? jars of canned peas

1 beam parsley

1 bunch green onions

1-2 h. l. sugar

1 h. l. apple cider vinegar

ground black pepper


Feathers chop onion, salt and knead lightly wooden tolkushkoy.

Boil the eggs, chop with sausage and cucumber cubes, add the peas, chopped parsley, then hash filled katyk and kvas. Kvass should only be present in bread, Still.

Then add in the brine hodgepodge tomatoes or cucumbers, vinegar, salt, sugar.

Before serving on the hash katyk kvass and mixed thoroughly to dissolve the sugar, add black pepper.

Recipe of the categories: