The most delicious juices from fruits for the winter

→ The most delicious juices from fruits for the winter

picture - The most delicious juices from fruits for the winter

If the summer to take the time and make stocks delicious and healthy juices from fruit abundant, then all the rest of the year at any time your family can enjoy a truly healthy juices that will promote health and improve mood even in the most gloomy and cold days!

Juice - a great way to preserve nutrients and vitamins contained in the seasonal fruit. Well, you can cook them, of course, of any fruit, so each cook can choose the option to your taste.

To make harvesting the winter juice, the juice, first you need to get - it can be used as handy tools (grinder, shredder, press fabric for juicing by hand, etc.), as well as special - electric and manual juicer . The second option is certainly preferable - juicer to extract the maximum juice easily.

The rest of the fruit pomace can serve as a basis for jelly, fruit drinks, fruit vinegar.

General principles of cooking juices from the blanks

If you wish, you can prepare for the winter any kind of juice - clarified, with pulp, blended (mixed), with or without sugar. To obtain a clarified juice squeezed juice must be heated to 80 � C and filtered through cloth.

Juice of apricots and peaches to clarify is not recommended because pulp contains a lot of nutrients.

As for the preservation of juice, it is done in three ways:

  • Hot filling - suitable for more acidic juices, pressed juice is heated to 70-75 degrees and filtered, and then heated to a boil, boiled for 2-3 min and poured into sterilized containers, tightly capped and allowed to cool upside down;
  • Pasteurization - for the less acidic juices, juice is heated to 80 � C, filtered, brought to a boil, poured into the container, kept in boiling water for 10 minutes (0.5 liters), 12-15 minutes (1 liter), 18-20 minutes (2n) or 25-30 minutes (3L) after boiling, then corked;
  • Sterilization - for less acidic juices.

If the juice has passed after pasteurization 10-12 days (during which time the juice must be stored at room temperature) and it has not deteriorated (not turbid, no mold appeared not ferment), the juice can be harvested for storage in a dry, cool, dark place, if same signs of damage appeared, it should be immediately boiled for 5 minutes, after which it will be suitable only for making fruit drinks or jelly.

Blank recipe of apple juice with pulp for the winter

picture - The most delicious juices from fruits for the winter

You will need: 1 kg peeled apples, 2 cups water and sugar syrup (1 cup of water to syrup 200g sugar is taken).

How to prepare apple juice. Rinse, peel the apples, cut peel and remove seeds, cut into slices, lay in an enamel pot, add water, bring to a boil and boil for 10-15min. Twice to skip the apples through a meat grinder (use a fine grid), connect mashed with sugar syrup, stir and bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and puree 2 times rub through a fine sieve, once again bring to a boil, hot pour into prepared jars, sealed cork.

This recipe is obtained apple juice with pulp.

Apple juice goes well with many other fruit juices and berries, such as blackcurrant and rowanberry.

Recipe of juice from apple, currant and chokeberry

picture - The most delicious juices from fruits for the winter

Need: 300ml apple juice, 250 ml of syrup and black currant juice, 200ml juice aronia.

How to cook assorted juice with apple. Connect the juice of apples, currants and ash, add 50% sugar syrup, stir through cheesecloth (put it in 2-3 layers), filtered, and then heated to 75-80 degrees. Pour juice warmed by banks, sterilized and cork.

Delicious, aromatic and healthy juice can be made from plums.

Recipe prune juice

You will need: 1 kg plums, sugar 50-100g.

How to prepare the juice from the plums. Rinse and cut the plums in half, remove seeds. Put plums in a saucepan, over low heat to heat until tender, then rub through a sieve. In the pressed juice add sugar, bring it to a boil and immediately pour into jar or bottle before reaching the necks of 1-2cm. Sterilize 7 minutes (0.5 liters) or 10 minutes (1 liter) to cork.

Recipe peach juice with pulp

It will take 12 kg of peaches, 2 kg of sugar.

How to prepare peach juice. Rinse and cut the peaches in half, remove seeds. Put in a saucepan, cover and seethe with a little water until they are completely softened. Wipe peaches through a sieve or grind mixer / blender, bring weight to a boil, add sugar, wait until it dissolves and pour juice in the can or bottle, sealed and wrap a blanket to cool.

Delicious fragrant fruit juices can be prepared from any fruit that grow on your site or sold in markets in the harvest season. Only these juices are really helpful and very fragrant, in any bad weather day they remind you of warm sunny summer!

Recipe of the categories: