Festive Salad "Coco Chanel"

→ Festive Salad "Coco Chanel"

picture - Festive Salad "Coco Chanel"

300 g Boiled chicken breast

300 g boiled potatoes

300 g fresh tomatoes

200 g hard cheese

200 g sweet red pepper

lemon juice

olive oil

ground black pepper


This easy and delicious salad like Christmas all the ladies, beautifully decorate the Christmas table.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes, disassembled into fibers chicken breasts, rub on a medium grater cheese, cut into julienne peppers, tomatoes - small slices.

Combine all ingredients, add the lemon juice mixed with olive oil, pepper and salt.

Put Christmas salad "Coco Chanel" on lettuce leaves before serving the New Year's table.

Recipe of the categories: