Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

→ Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

picture - Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

Fish - a useful product, and eat it regularly for health and well-being necessary for each person. Species of edible fish, there are many, but among them there are some of the most popular and in high demand in our country. Catfish - one of these fish. In this article we will talk about the specifics of cooking and recipes from catfish.

Buy this fish can be in every major supermarket, and although it costs a little more expensive than other popular types of fish, the demand for it is growing. The fact is that the catfish has a wonderful taste, very useful and quite simple to prepare, as well as versatile in culinary terms - it is possible to prepare a variety of dishes. For sale we have it usually occurs in the intact form - fresh, in ice cream - without skin and scalp in the form of fresh frozen.

Second name catfish - salt, due to the large, like a dog front teeth and protruding fangs. In France, this fish was referred to as "sea wolf". Teeth fish change every year.

Catfish are a family of Perciformes, it lives in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, the White and Barents seas, found off the coast of Ireland and England, in the Gulf of Finland. Lives in cold waters, where the water is not warmed above the temperature at 14 degrees. At length can reach 110-144sm and weight - 32kg.

In catfish - weight of mineral substances, the whole spectrum: Minerals - fluorine, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, et al., Vitamins - A, B, C, PP, polyunsaturated fatty acids, digestible protein, etc. Eat this fish doctors recommend to all who care about healthy eating, particularly those with thyroid problems, athletes, in case of problems in the cardiovascular system. However, please note that this fish belongs to the very bold - in its 100 grams contains 5,3g of fat, but it is a plus - because this fat is the fount of polyunsaturated acids. In addition, even if the fish fat low-calorie - a total of about 100g 120kkal.

Catfish too carried away is not recommended because poisoning can happen, and contraindication to its use are considered idiosyncrasy and the propensity to allergic reactions to fish products.

Catfish is divided into types: spotted, blue (widow), acne-like, the Far East and striped. Of skin of the fish, characterized by small scales, make purses, bags and belts.

Recipes from catfish

picture - Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

White meat catfish are very juicy, tender and tasty, has a light sweet taste - for fish lovers is a real find. Fish contains little bones - and this is another huge plus her who is highly regarded chefs. It can be cooked on the grill and cook for a couple, bake, cook soups with it, but there it has its own particular preparation, without which knowledge can not get delicious fried fish and fish porridge in the pan.

The fact that the meat catfish very loose, and it needs to prepare for cooking: before quenching or hot it must first be dipped in batter, otherwise it will literally "be spread" in the pan. Also keep in shape and give it a fillet density helps pre-decoction in a well-salted water. It is also important that the catfish is very absorbs fat, so it should be spread on a hot skillet well, and it is this nuance makes it 4 times in comparison with high-calorie calorie original, which is why those who watches over the figure, it is recommended to boil for a couple, rather than fry.

It is believed that the best way to cook catfish grilled or steamed, baked in the oven, it is also very popular in smoked form. With her are obtained delicious burgers, very nourishing fish soups and ear, steaks, fish in foil, grilled fish. Of products with which this fish is very well combined - cereals, vegetables such as potatoes, broccoli, bell peppers, zucchini, cauliflower.

We will tell you about the most delicious dishes of catfish.

Recipe for making soup of catfish

You will need: 4 potatoes, 1 small bird catfish, 1 carrot, 1 tablespoon wheat or oats, bay leaf, pepper, salt.

How to cook soup of catfish. Cut the fish pieces and drop into a pot of boiling salted water, boil for 20 minutes. Peel and cut the potatoes into cubes, chopped finely onions, rub on a grater or cut into medium-sized carrots. Get the fish from the broth, separate fillets from the bones, strain the broth, put the fillets, add oatmeal and chopped vegetables, laurel, pepper, salt and boil for 10 minutes until cooked vegetables and season with herbs before serving, giving little brew.

Recipe for cooking catfish with vegetables in foil

picture - Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

You will need: 300g catfish, 150g cheese, 2 carrots large, 1 onion,? tsp ground pepper.

How to bake catfish with vegetables in foil. Grate the pieces of fish with pepper and salt, put on a lightly greased foil, top with fried onions and carrots (carrots - rub on a coarse grater, onion - half rings). Sprinkle on top of the fish and vegetables grated cheese, wrap foil and bake fish in a preheated oven for 30-40min 200gradusov.

Very tasty and delicious dish - catfish, baked in a creamy sauce.

Catfish recipe, baked in a creamy sauce

You will need: 300g fillet of catfish, 20g dill and parsley, 5 tomatoes, 2 onions and eggs, 6 tablespoons sour cream, 3 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons bread crumbs and flour, pepper, salt, juice? lemon.

How to bake catfish in a creamy sauce. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice, chopped tomatoes circles. Baking dish greased with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put fish and tomato layers, sprinkling layers catfish breadcrumbs. Beat the eggs with the flour and sour cream, add chopped onions, stir and pour over the fish in the form of a mass. Top with pieces of butter and bake for 30 minutes in a preheated oven 200gradusov.

If you bought a catfish fry and want it, but are afraid that it will fall apart in the pan, do not be afraid - the main thing to do everything right.

Recipe for cooking fried catfish in batter

picture - Recipes from catfish and especially its preparation

Need: 600-700g catfish, 1 egg,? cup of ground crackers, 1.5 tbsp flour, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

How to fry catfish. Cut the fish into steaks 1-2cm thick, rub with salt and pepper and half an hour away in the cold, then breaded in flour, dip in slightly beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Catfish spread in a pan with hot oil and fry on both sides over medium heat until browning.

Of catfish out very tasty and nutritious fish patties.

Recipe meatballs from catfish

You will need: 700g fillet of catfish, 50ml milk, 1 onion and a clove of garlic, 3 tsp starch potato, pepper, salt.

How to cook cutlets of catfish. Cut the fillets so that the pieces of fish turned out to 0.5 cm, add chopped onion and grated on a fine grater garlic, add the starch, pour the milk, pepper and salt and mix well. Spread the weight on the pan with hot oil with a spoon and fry on both sides until browning. Serve burgers are better with sour cream.

Well, the last recipe of the catfish, which we describe - a little unusual. This delicious salad, which this fish fillet combined with cheese, fruit and vegetables.

Salad recipe from catfish with cheese and an apple

You will need: 500g fillet of catfish, 200g feta cheese, 1 apple, lemon, onion, pickles and beam parsley? cup sour cream, pepper, salt.

How to prepare a salad with catfish. Boil catfish fillets in well salted water 10-12min, dry, cut and arrange on a platter. Sliced cucumber cubes, apple and onion, stir, pour the lemon juice, pepper and salt, sour cream and mix again. Put the cooked mixture over fish and sprinkle with grated cheese and all the chopped parsley.

Food must be not only delicious, but also useful, and vice versa. And catfish - one of the best examples of how a product can be combined with great taste and benefits. Eat a healthy diet with pleasure, and our recipes help you with this!

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