Salad "Bogatyr"

Required products:
120 g the flesh of pork cooked;
1 PCs boiled potatoes;
1 PCs carrots cooked;
1 PCs tomato;
2 PCs onions;
40 g sauerkraut;
2 tbsp. sour cream;
2 PCs eggs cooked;
50 g green peas canned -
some peas to choose? we'll show
1 tsp. sugar;
ground black pepper to taste
Meat and tomato cut into thin slices. Potatoes, carrots and onions cut into cubes. Cabbage chop.
Prepared the ingredients of a salad connect, season with sour cream, whipped with salt, sugar and pepper and stir.
Before serving, arrange sliced eggs, green peas and greens.
Bon appetit!
Recipe of the categories: