Salad of beluga sturgeon and stellate sturgeon
For this recipe you will need:
75 g fish (cooked)
40 g potato
30 g cucumbers
40 g tomatoes
30 g carrot
20 g cauliflower
20 g green beans
15 g green peas
some peas to choose? we'll show
20 g green salad
20 g jelly bean
50 g mayonnaise
20 g salad dressing
Boiled beluga sturgeon sturgeon or cut into thin long slices (7-9 cm). Carrots, potatoes cut into cubes, green beans - diamonds and cook separately; boiled cauliflower divided into Kocheshkov. In addition, you can use canned peas, cucumbers, tomatoes and so on. N. In the middle of the plate or dish put a round mound of sliced, drizzled with salad dressing green salad or vegetables with sauce, mayonnaise. At the bottom of slides positioned garnish heaps, in the center, around the hill, make a pyramid out of slices of fish in the middle of the insert branch of celery or lettuce leaves. On the side plates or dishes can be placed as a decoration, jelly pieces, cut a crescent-shaped, diamond-shaped and so on. D. When a side dish pour salad dressing; sauce, mayonnaise file a gravy boat.