Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

→ Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

picture - Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

Making salads as such a wonderful tropical fruits like pineapple has become extremely popular, and it is not surprising, because to do so beautiful salads simple, and they turn out very effectively.

Salads as pineapples are usually prepared with chicken, mushrooms, ham, decorating the top with walnuts or sliced thinly mushrooms. But you can make these salads with registration of the upper layer of pickles or prunes, and other products at your discretion.

Christmas salad recipe "Pineapple" with mushrooms and ham

picture - Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

Need: fried mushrooms, onion, ham, canned pineapple, chicken, mayonnaise, parsley.

How to cook a festive salad pineapple. Mushrooms and onion finely chopped and fry separately, ham and chicken meat and finely chop. If pineapple slices, they can not be cut, if the puck - cut. Salad spread on a flat dish in the shape of an oval layers: fried mushrooms, fried onions, mayonnaise, ham, pineapple, mayonnaise, chicken, mayonnaise. The top layer decorate marinated mushrooms, cut into thin slices.

As can be seen, the formulation of this salad is really very simple, and yet it is perfectly decorate your Christmas table to the delight of the family and guests.

Christmas salad recipe "Pineapple" with chicken and cheese

picture - Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

You will need: 400g of boiled or smoked chicken, 200g of cheese and walnut halves, 4 boiled eggs, 1 onion and bank canned pineapple, green onions, mayonnaise.

How to cook a festive salad pineapple. Finely chop the onion, pickle it in a mixture of 1 cup water with 1 tablespoon 6% vinegar, 1 tsp sugar? tsp salt. Medium-sized chopped chicken, rub on a grater cheese, chopped egg. Put salad on a plate layers, giving it the shape of pineapple chicken, mayonnaise, eggs, onions, pineapple, cheese, mayonnaise. If desired, all the layers can be repeated 2 times. Coat with top salad with mayonnaise, place the halves of walnuts and herbs.

Quite unusual for such a salad option cooking - from boiled tongue with potatoes and prunes.

Christmas salad recipe "Pineapple" with the language, potatoes and prunes

picture - Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

Need: boiled beef / pork tongue, boiled potatoes, boiled eggs, prunes, cheese, pickles, onions, mayonnaise.

How to cook a festive salad with pineapple language. On the oval dish put feathers green onions - it will be the tail of pineapple. Spread salad layers: grated on a coarse grater potatoes, mayonnaise, shredded language, mayonnaise grid chopped prunes, net of mayonnaise, grated on a coarse grater eggs, mayonnaise, large shabby cheese, mayonnaise. All layers can be repeated. Make a salad sliced cucumbers circles.

You can make this salad a little differently: instead of a layer of prunes put a layer of sliced cucumbers, lettuce and arrange on top of prunes as in the photo.

picture - Pineapple: Excellent decoration festive table

Preparation beautiful salads on Christmas or any other holiday table - it's really simple, just need to want, and all must succeed! Good Luck!

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