Delicious food: salads with cheese

→ Delicious food: salads with cheese

picture - Delicious food: salads with cheese

Recipes for salads with cheese, there are so many, and we will talk in this article about the salads with cheese, which, with whatever you combined this product, always very tasty.

"Amber", "Friendship", "Wave" - everyone knows these cheeses and many love them. With these and other types of processed cheese can be prepared not only tasty sandwiches, and soups, main dishes and, of course, salads. There is no equal salads with cheese, and salads with cheese - especially delicious!

Processed cheese was invented by the Swiss Walter Gerber in 1911 in the town of Thun. Such cheeses are made from cottage cheese, butter, cheeses for melting and cheeses and other dairy products with special technology: this product is melted at a temperature of 75-90 degrees and is then formed. There are latavia, sausage, sweet and pasty processed cheese.

For a tasty snack or a holiday buffet - salads with cheese is always relevant! It is cooked with chicken, sausage, eggs, vegetables, seafood and even vegetables.

Salad recipe of cream cheese with apples and tomatoes

You will need: 200g cream cheese, 2-3 apples, 1-2 tomatoes, 1 onion, mayonnaise, salt.

How to cook salad with cream cheese, Apple and tomato. On a coarse grater grate the cheese, finely chop the onion and scald it with boiling water. Small dice the tomatoes, peel the apples, cut into medium-sized. Connect the prepared ingredients, add salt, add the mayonnaise and stir.

This salad is unlikely someone will impress, even with all its simplicity. Want to feed a loved ones, take this recipe is adopted, however, and the subsequent also you will be pleased!

Salad recipe with cream cheese, walnuts and prunes

picture - Delicious food: salads with cheese

You will need: 300g prunes, 5 eggs, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 processed cheese, 1 bunch of green onion and a packet of mayonnaise, 0.5 cups walnuts

How to cook salad with cheese, prunes and nuts. RUB cheese on a coarse grater, skip the garlic through a press and mix them. Boil eggs, chopped or RUB on a grater, mix with chopped onions. Prunes wash, cut into strips. Grind nuts. Put the salad in layers, lubricating each mayonnaise and cheese with garlic, egg, onion, prunes, walnut - repeat layers 2 times, last layer of mayonnaise.

Salad recipe with cheese and calamari

picture - Delicious food: salads with cheese

You will need: 300g squid, 2 eggs and garlic cloves, 1 cream cheese, mayonnaise, parsley.

How to cook salad with cheese and calamari. In salted boiling water cook the squid 2 min after boiling, allow to cool, julienne cut. On a coarse grater to grate slightly frozen cheese, cubes chopped boiled eggs, chopped parsley, to pass through a garlic press and mix it with mayonnaise. To connect prepared foods, season with garlic mayonnaise and mix.

Recipe festive salad "Green rose" with chicken and melted cheese

picture - Delicious food: salads with cheese

You will need: 250g chicken breast, 4 boiled eggs, 3-4 fresh cucumber, 2 processed cheese, 1 onion, olives, mayonnaise, dill, parsley, salt.

How to cook salad with cheese Green rose. In salted boiling water cook the chicken, cut into small pieces. Slightly frozen cheese on a coarse grater rubbing. One cucumber cut into thin circles, the other strips. Grated RUB eggs. Chop onions, blanched, cut into strips black olives. All products, except cucumber circles, mix, filled with mayonnaise and add the chopped parsley and sunflower. Put the rose from circles of cucumber.

Can be made with processed cheese and other festive salad Mimosa.

The recipe Mimosa salad with cheese

You will need: 4 boiled eggs and potatoes on 2 of processed cheese and boiled carrots, 1 onion and Bank of canned fish, mayonnaise, parsley.

How to make a Mimosa salad with cheese. On a coarse grater grate the cheese, carrots and potatoes, and egg whites and yolks - for small. With a fork mash the fish conservative, chop the onion, pour over it boiling water, stir with fish. Put the salad in layers of potatoes, fish, cheese, protein, carrots, egg yolks - all layers except the last, to grease with mayonnaise.

Before serving the salad Mimosa should soak 2 to 3 hours minimum, then it is possible to make beautiful.

picture - Delicious food: salads with cheese

Salads with cheese always help out when suddenly rushed guests and you need quickly make something delicious when you want to please yourself, and when gathered at the festive table on any occasion need
to impress culinary talents and skills!

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