Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

→ Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

picture - Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

Chanterelles are one of the most delicious species of fungi, they are highly appreciated for their great taste and ease of preparation. In this article we have collected for you the 6 most delicious recipes of chanterelles.

Most often fried mushrooms, cook them in soups, and also close for the winter - salted and pickled. However, in addition to these options in the case of chanterelles there are many other ways of cooking these wonderful mushrooms: one can prepare a variety of snacks, salads, stews and many other main dishes. Today we will talk about these dishes, but, rather, about the most delicious and easy to prepare from them.

Chanterelles are different from other fungi in that they have no worms and larvae, they are easy to wash, as they practically do not crumble or break. In Europe they are appreciated along with truffles, and they have referred already to the third category of fungi for unknown reasons. In addition, these mushrooms and medicinal properties due to their content of substances chinamans they have anthelminthic effect, also rich in potassium, vitamins C and D, improve the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the liver.

Recipes for delicious meals from chanterelle

picture - Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

It is believed that in fried and cooked chanterelles tastier than pickled and salty. From them you can cook different dishes, using them as fresh or in dried or frozen form. As a rule, before cooking the mushrooms cut one third of the leg, sometimes they need to be boiled in salted water, and then cook them meals. These mushrooms can be cooked casseroles, soups, lots of dishes and even snacks and cakes.

Probably, everyone knows how delicious combination of potatoes and mushrooms, and, once again wishing them to enjoy, we again and again fry the potatoes with mushrooms. Try to cook this dish is a casserole with potatoes, chanterelle is the most delicious combination of products, but in a different form, even more delicious and aromatic.

The first recipe: shepherd's Pie with mushroom

You will need: 500g chanterelle, 300ml sour cream 20%, 30g butter, 6 medium potatoes, greens, salt.

How to cook a casserole of potatoes and chanterelles. Mushrooms to sort, wash, dry, cut in half large mushrooms, peel potatoes, small cubes chop, chop parsley. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, put the mushrooms and until ready to fry them, butter the baking dish, stir fried mushrooms with raw potatoes, put into the pan, season with salt and top to pour the sour cream. To cook the casserole for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Another no less tasty dish of mushrooms, cooked in the oven - this is a delicious cream pie in the test.

The second recipe: Cream pie with mushrooms

You will need: dough - 400g of flour, 200 g sour cream 100 g butter, 2 eggs, 0.5 tsp. salt filling 1 kg of fresh mushrooms, 1 egg yolk, 2-3 tbsp sour cream, salt, to decorate cake - egg white, sesame oil for frying mushrooms and cream.

How to make a pie with mushrooms. Mix egg and sour cream, then add the softened butter and salt, stir, add the flour, knead a soft dough, cover it and 15min to leave, then knock it back up until it stops sticking to your hands. To prepare the mushrooms, cut into several large parts, in a pan heat the butter, put the mushrooms and fry until taromenane, then fried mushrooms chopped finely, a third delay, the rest mixed with egg yolk and sour cream, sunflower. Divide the dough into two unequal parts: a large roll in a circle with a diameter larger baking pan and thickness of about 8mm, put into a form that is dusted with flour, to make bumpers. Lay out the dough pending third of fungi without additives, they are already mixed with sour cream, mushrooms, cover rolled in a circle smaller part of the test, sumipntg edge. Slightly beaten egg whites to coat the cake on top, sprinkle sesame seeds and bake for 20 minutes in a preheated abs the oven, then cooked at 180 degrees.

Mushroom soup is usually simple soups with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, onions and vegetables, or soup. But there are other options such as soups, for example, such a creamy mushroom soup.

The third recipe: Creamy mushroom soup with chanterelles

picture - Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

You will need: 500g of mushrooms, 100 g bacon, 3l water, 2 onions, 1 teaspoon flour, sour cream, pepper, salt.

How to make cream soup with chanterelles. Mushrooms, wash and prepare, cut into large into 2-3 parts. Finely chop the bacon, put in it until soft onions for 10 minutes, add mushrooms, simmer everything for another 45 minutes, then pour in the boiling water, salt, on a slow fire to boil the soup half an hour. In sour cream to dissolve the flour and season the soup, pepper, take sour cream to taste.

In this soup, you can add potatoes or processed cheese.

On second with chanterelles, you can make a very tasty dish - spaghetti with mushrooms in Italian.

The fourth recipe: Spaghetti with mushrooms, Italian

You will need: 500 g of fresh chanterelles, 300g spaghetti, 100 g cream, 2 cloves of garlic 5 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp butter, grated cheese, chopped parsley, pepper, salt.

How to cook spaghetti with mushrooms. Combine the olive oil with the butter, fry the chopped garlic for 2-3 minutes, put the prepared mushrooms, pepper and salt, 15-20min to put out, add the cream, put all until thick. Add to mushroom mixture boiled spaghetti, stir, heat, put in a plate and sprinkle before serving cheese and greens.

Salads and snacks with chanterelles turn out so delicious that they can be fed to any festive table.

Recipe five: Simple appetizer of mushrooms with garlic

picture - Cook chanterelles: 6 of the most delicious dishes

You will need: 500g of mushrooms, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. olive oil, salt.

How to prepare a snack with chanterelles. Mushrooms to prepare, large, cut into several pieces, put it in cold salted water, after boiling, boil for half an hour over moderate heat, drain in a colander, then cool. Chop the mushrooms, but not too small, to connect with passed through the press in garlic and oil, mix well, salt and serve.

Recipe six: Warm salad with chanterelles

You will need: 500g of mushrooms, 100g smoked brisket or bacon, 2-3 pieces of white baguette, 2 garlic cloves, vegetable oil, parsley, ground black pepper, salt.

How to cook salad with chanterelles. Prepare and cut the mushrooms into quarters, cut the rind from bacon, chopped meat, pan to reheat, put the bacon, fry until crackle, remove from the pan, put the mushrooms to evaporate off all the moisture, salt and fry until cooked. A few pieces of baguette without a crust cut into cubes in a pan heat the oil, fry the chopped garlic until taromenane, remove the garlic and put the bread and fry until the crunch. Coarsely chop the parsley or lettuce, put in a La carte dishes, drizzle with oil, put the mushrooms, bacon and croutons.

Cook a nice mushroom meals from chanterelle and enjoy their great taste and benefits, without spending a lot of time!

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