Billet: vegetable salads in the winter without vinegar

→ Billet: vegetable salads in the winter without vinegar

picture - Billet: vegetable salads in the winter without vinegar

There are many ways to preserve vegetables for the winter, and among them the salads are one of the most popular options. In turn, canning recipes salads from vegetables there are also lots of different vegetables, spices, vinegar and without it. In this article we will tell you about the latest and vegetable salads in the winter, which can be prepared without vinegar.

For one reason or another, some cooks don't like vinegar and, accordingly, try not to use it for making blanks. However, this does not mean that such blanks they eat at your own risk, relying on luck - if you do workpiece by known technologies, a dangerous bacterium Clostridium botulinum will not develop. Today we have collected these recipes vegetable salads in the winter - which do not require the use of vinegar, but it does not represent any danger to health, subject to all rules sterilization.

It is important that the spores of botulism are anaerobic, meaning they quietly developed in airtight containers, in addition, they are very resistant to high temperatures. Therefore, the only guarantee safety of canned food made without vinegar - use acidic products - only acidic 100% figure excludes the development of botulism. Private acids contain tomatoes, apples, lemon juice (you can add acid and other acidic foods.

Recipes procurement of vegetable salads in the winter without vinegar

picture - Billet: vegetable salads in the winter without vinegar

We will talk only about those recipes vegetable salads, prepared using contains its own acid products, solely because it can guarantee the security of such preserves.

It is also very important to sterilize billet: first, sterilised jars and cover, and then the salad is put in them hot and sterilized again by the banks and put in a container of boiling water for a few minutes.

So, let's see what salads you can do in the winter without vinegar.

Recipe for Butternut squash and Apple salad for the winter

You will need: 4kg zucchini, 500ml of boiling water, 300g tomato paste and vegetable oil, 200 g sugar, 100 g of salt, 10 Bay leaves, 6 sour apples, 5 cloves and peppercorns, ? cups grated garlic.

How to spin on a winter salad with apples and zucchini. Apples and zucchini cut into strips or RUB on a large grater, tomato paste diluted with boiling water, add salt and sugar, Laurel, cloves and pepper, oil, stir and put the apples to zucchini, boil for 20 minutes, add the garlic, simmer everything for another 10 minutes Boiling salad to put in sterile jars, roll up.

Salad recipe of eggplant, peppers and carrots with onion without vinegar

You will need: 3kg eggplant, 1 kg carrots and sweet peppers, 750g onions, 400ml vegetable oil, to fill - 1.5 kg of tomatoes.

How to prepare a salad of eggplant without vinegar for the winter. Cut the bell pepper, onion, carrot and medium-sized eggplant, fry in butter in a pot, then pour tomato juice (tomato peel and grind in a meat grinder), simmer for 40 min and put in hot sterilized banks.

Salad recipe for the winter without vinegar with brown tomatoes

You will need: 2.5 l of tomato juice fresh home, 2 kg of onions, 1.5 kg of grated carrots, chopped sweet pepper and brown tomatoes, 200g vegetable oil and sugar, 100g of salt.

How to make a salad without vinegar for the winter with green tomatoes. Tomato juice pour into a saucepan, add sugar and salt and oil, bring to a boil, put the grated carrots, boil for 10 minutes, add the chopped onion, cook the same, then add peppers, again 10 minutes to put out, last, put the tomatoes and boil salad for another 10 minutes to Decompose hot salad into sterilized jars, seal with sterile lids.

You can make a salad for the winter and with rice.

Recipe of salad vegetables with rice for the winter without vinegar

You will need: 3kg tomatoes, 1kg carrots, sweet peppers and onions, 200g round dry rice, 500ml sunflower oil, 1 Cup sugar, 1 tbsp. of salt.

How to prepare for the winter vegetable salad with rice without vinegar. Grinder cut carrots and tomatoes, finely chop the onion and peppers, how to wash the rice. In the enameled pan pour oil, add sugar and salt, put all the vegetables, rice, bring to boil, hour cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. Hot salad to put in sterile jars, seal.

In the same way you can prepare a salad with pearl barley, but cooking should not 60, and 80 minutes

Recipe vegetable salad without vinegar with beans

You will need: 1 kg of tomatoes, 500g vegetable oil, carrot, onion and sweet pepper, 3 cups white beans, 1-2tbsp.l. salt, spices to taste.

How to make vegetable salad with beans without vinegar. Until half cook the beans. All the vegetables to prepare and chop. Connect the prepared products, add the spices, oil and salt, put on stove and simmer on low heat for 1.5-2 hours, put on sterile banks, cork sterilized lids.

The recipes are tasty and safe salads of various vegetables for the winter not so little, or rather, not much! Choose any of them, considering all safety rules such preserves, and make delicious salads-blanks, not fearing for their health. Good blanks!

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