Pink salmon in white wine with cheese

→ Pink salmon in white wine with cheese

picture - Pink salmon in white wine with cheese

700 g pink salmon fillet

50 g cottage cheese

5 g tarragon

4 onions

2 carrots

2 egg yolks

1 glass white wine

1 glass fish broth

2 h. l. butter
Which oil to choose? we'll show

ground black pepper


Connect fish broth and 2 tablespoons wine, bring to a boil, put the pink salmon, cook for 20 minutes over low heat.

Cut into half rings onion, carrot chop sticks, scalded with boiling water, drain, pour vegetable oil, pepper and salt.

Get the fish from the broth, boil down to 2 times the broth over high heat, then add the broth cheese, stir, boil for another 5 minutes.

2 tablespoons Whip egg yolks with the wine, add the broth, pepper and salt.

Served pink salmon in white wine with cheese drizzled with sauce and carnations.

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