Recipes mushroom caviar with vegetables for the winter

→ Recipes mushroom caviar with vegetables for the winter

picture - Recipes mushroom caviar with vegetables for the winter

In September Housewives make the last procurement, including procurement of mushrooms, which can be collected in a good season until October. In this collection we have collected for you the recipes mushroom caviar with a variety of vegetables.

Mushroom spawn can be prepared in different ways: make it just as an appetizer or as stocking up for winter, add the mushrooms to the onions or even some vegetables, be used to impart flavors of various spices. Today we will talk about mushroom caviar as on harvesting, which in any situation is a lifesaver for the hostess. This mushroom caviar can be served with any dish, including for the holiday table as an appetizer. In practice, retrieved from tasty eggs for a few minutes nothing remains - she is eaten by the guests in the first place, as the "tidbit".

If you have never harvested for winter eggs from mushrooms, to abandon this piece is for fear to do something wrong, it is not necessary - it is quite simple to deal with it will be able to attend if time.

Recipes for mushroom eggs with vegetables

picture - Recipes mushroom caviar with vegetables for the winter

In addition to onions in mushroom spawn, you can add the tomatoes and carrots, using different combinations of these vegetables, you can vary the taste of the snacks at their discretion.

Recipe mushroom eggs with onions and tomatoes

You will need: 1 kg of mushrooms 300g tomatoes, 200g onion, vegetable oil, pepper, salt.

How to prepare mushroom eggs with tomatoes. Mushrooms clean, rinse, 20 min boil after boil in salted water, drain, rinse, allow to cool, grind in a meat grinder, then within half an hour to fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the onion, tomatoes cut into circles, lightly fry the vegetables, mix them with sauteed mushrooms, pepper and salt, again fry for 10 minutes, then hot to put weight on sterilized banks, cork lids to sterilize 45 min and 2-3 days to stand at room temperature, then sterilized in an hour.

Recipe mushroom caviar with carrots and onions

picture - Recipes mushroom caviar with vegetables for the winter

You will need: 1 kg of any fresh mushrooms 300g carrots and onions, 1 Cup vegetable oil, 1 tsp. vinegar 9%, salt.

How to cook mushroom spawn with carrots and onions. Separately grind in a meat grinder carrots, then mushrooms, then onions. Saut the onion in the oil, put the carrots, again fry, add the mushrooms and mix well. Put the mixture into the pan, pour it rest in the pan oil, salt, on a slow fire to extinguish 1 hour, stirring occasionally. Vinegar to infuse for 5 minutes until cooked eggs, just put it in sterilized banks and cork boiled lids.

Recipe mushroom caviar "Delight"

You will need: 2kg mushrooms 300g carrots, 300g onions, 10 black peppercorns, 3 Bay leaves, 1 Cup vegetable oil, 1 tsp. of red pepper, 1 tbsp. vinegar 9%, salt.

How to cook mushroom spawn "Delight". Within 20 minutes after boiling, boil the mushrooms in salted water, drain, rinse with water, allow to cool. Cut the mushrooms in the meat grinder. Carrot RUB on a large grater, chopped onion, saute carrots in butter, then stir in onion, mushrooms, remaining butter, pepper and salt, put Laurel. This mixture 2 hours to extinguish on weak fire, as the fighting gradually adding the vinegar. Further caviar stacks sterilized banks and corked lid, stored in a cool place.

Mushroom spawn is a great snack that you enjoy eating everything. Try to prepare it for the winter and enjoy!

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