"Earl ruins" - cake with the romantic name

→ "Earl ruins" - cake with the romantic name

picture - "Earl ruins" - cake with the romantic name

This cake is known and loved by many. His name on the right can be awarded the status of the most romantic of the names of cakes: Earl ruins - sounds nice, proud and very tasty!

In its recipe cake "Earl ruins" is very similar to the equally famous "Kiev" - in both cases meringue that are sandwiched cream and nuts. Therefore, if we talk about the history of this cake, it can be concluded that the first recipe was born on the basis of the "Kiev", which is the exact recipe for this day since 1965, when it was coined, kept from all secret. Even cooks LI Brezhnev Ukrainian cooks Kiev confectionery factory was not disclosed, although the Secretary General very much loved this sweet treasure of culinary art. Perhaps "Earl ruins" and were the result of experiments cooks Brezhnev, from whom he demanded the same delicious cake, as given to him on the 70th anniversary.

Whatever the delicious cake "Kiev", "Earl ruins" today is not inferior to him in popularity. For many sweets he is the most beloved and buying it at the store, we do not even think about the fact that it can be prepared and independently at home - and in fact make it much easier than it sounds!

Today there are several recipes for this cake - on the basis of meringue (classic version), on the basis of biscuit-based cake plus meringue. And different recipes for this cake cream - can be used as an oil-condensed and sour cream, creamy caramel custard. Each version of this cake is obtained in its own delicious, so it makes sense to try all of them and pick up the most delicious recipe according to your individual taste preferences. Any version of the princely ruins can overpower even the novice cook, if you know a detailed recipe.

A classic recipe of cake "Earl ruins"

picture - "Earl ruins" - cake with the romantic name

Need: for meringue - 4 egg whites, 1 cup powdered sugar,? tsp vanilla sugar, cream - 200 g butter 8 tablespoons condensed milk for processing - 100 g chocolate walnut.

How to cook a classic cake "Earl ruins". Whip the egg whites to a state of foam, gradually add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar, whisking until the mass of solid consistency (the easiest way to do this using a blender). Baking sheet with parchment lay a meringue, transplant protein mass in the form of flat cakes from the pastry syringe or just put her spoon. Put the meringue in the oven and dry it at a temperature of 100-110 degrees for about 2 hours. Softened butter beat until splendor, mixed with condensed milk and beat again until smooth. Ready to spread the cooled meringue at each other pyramid, lubricating dipping in pre-cooked cream. Melt chocolate in a water bath, pour the cake, sprinkle with nuts and grind them to the entire surface of the cake. Before serving, let stand for at least 2-3 hours.

As you can see, the preparation of the cake "Earl ruins" - it is very simple, and can master this science even a child. The main thing - to make sure that in proteins was not a drop of egg yolk and beat them in a clean low-fat dishes, even better, if the dishes are cold, as are proteins, and in the first half hour of baking open the oven to the meringue is not settled. When baking the meringue, a deviation from the classic recipe - you can put it in a preheated oven temperature higher (170-200 degrees) and bake not 2 hours, and about 20-30 minutes until cream - the taste of the cake will turn out a few other, more caramel.

Another deviation from the classic recipe - version of this cake and biscuit with sour cream.

Cake Recipe "Earl ruins" on sponge cake with sour cream

picture - "Earl ruins" - cake with the romantic name

You will need: 3 eggs, 200 g sour cream, 1.5 cups of flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 tbsp cocoa, 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1 tsp soda, cream - 500 g sour cream, 150 g walnuts, 1 cup sugar, for decoration - 50 g butter, 3 tablespoons sugar, 3 tablespoons cocoa, 2 tablespoons sour cream.

How to cook a sponge cake "Earl ruins". Mixer beat eggs, add the sugar and add the sour cream, beat well, add flour and redemption soda vinegar, whisk again until smooth, divide the dough in half, add one part cocoa, beat her again. Pour the dough in two different forms, over low heat until ready to bake biscuits, allow them to cool. Stir sour cream with sugar, finely chopped nuts. White cake cut in half, put on a platter as the first layer of cake, smear cream and sprinkle with nuts. The second white and dark crusts cut into small pieces, dipped in cream, stacked in the form of slides, sprinkling nuts. Sugar, sour cream and cocoa mix on low heat bring to a boil, put the oil, boil to dissolve it and remove from heat, cool. Drizzle glaze cake cooked and give it to soak for several hours before serving.

For biscuit option "ruins of the princely" can be prepared cake for any of your favorite recipe biscuit. If we combine biscuit and meringue, get another delicious variation of this cake: just put the first layer of sponge cake, and it lay meringue meringue also can be alternated with sliced sponge cake - get even more interesting!

Also, according to your taste, you can prepare for this and cream cake. Instead of the usual condensed milk can be used jam and also mix it with the softened butter. You can make caramel custard or cream can also be used for two cream cake at the same time, alternating them when building the cake, is another option - use a cream and caramel (just sprinkle in the sugar in a pan, add a little water and cook on low heat with constant stirring, To obtain a brownish syrup).

In addition to various embodiments of a cream base and their deviations from classical prescription possible to use additional ingredients. Use can not only walnuts, but also prunes, apricots and other additions to your taste.

Whichever version of the cake you may have prepared, it is sure to please all its magnificent gentle taste and lightness. The main thing - do not be afraid, try and you will really get the most romantic and charming "Earl ruins"!

Recipe of the categories: