Jam apricots

→ Jam apricots

picture - Jam apricots

"Will you nitroso apricots and I will give thee for good, I will give to you forever, if she does not eat it," sings Verka Serduchka. And really, why someone permanently? And Thrifty housewife that will not eat - in jam zacatal! That's where this song starts!

Get in the winter, a jar of apricot jam, and Golden fruit, filled with the energy of the sun, will bring us back in the summer, apricot Paradise! How can you not love this sweet, melting on the tongue, amber-transparent, honey delicacy?
Meanwhile, only some four or five centuries ago, the Russians did not know about the existence of this overseas fruit. Botanists all over the world still define home "Sunny eggs". Just know one thing: from time immemorial "apricot grew up in the South". Excavations 1964-67 years prove that this culture was grown in Armenia since the 4th Millennium BC. Another Roman writer Pliny called apricot in his writings, "Armenian Apple", but at the same time, we know that the fruit was grown everywhere in Asia. Anyway, today apricots can be found everywhere, but in such quantities that will be enough for apricots, stewed fruits, juices, jams, marmalades...
For example, a spoonful of fragrant apricot jam enrich your body with vitamin a, vitamin B, vitamin PP, mineral compounds, iron, calcium, potassium, and phosphorus. This treat will be especially useful for children (from five years), pregnant women, the elderly and those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system...
In General, as they say, no time to explain, rather cook!

Recipe of apricot jam

picture - Jam apricots


  • apricots - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg

Tip:The best jam is obtained from apricots, collected at the end of the season. When cooking jam not stir, only shaking the pan at the end of the cooking process. It is necessary to periodically remove the foam, which contains tartaric acid to jam then did not Zakusala. To preserve the color and transparency of this delicacy not have the time to cook. When burning carcinogens are formed.

Apricots to sort, wash under running water and Pat dry.
Divide each fruit in half and separated from the bone. Put in a container for cooking so that recesses from the seeds were at the top.
Sprinkle a layer of sugar, so that all slices of apricot were covered. Then again put the next layer of apricot, top again sprinkle with sugar. Repeat the process until you run out of products.
Leave the apricots with the sugar for about a day (at night) to release the juice.
Put a container of apricots on a small fire and bring to boil. Lightly stir the resulting sugar on top with a spoon. Turn off the heat and allow to infuse the jam 30 minutes. Then again boil down to medium heat, constantly remove the foam with a spoon.

Tip:preserving Jars of thoroughly washed and dried in the sun, for example, on the balcony. The most suitable amount for jars of jam - not more than 0.5 L.

To prepare sterilized jars. Pour jam into the jars and roll boiled lids.
Then tightly sealed jars flip down lid, wrapped with a blanket, leave until cool. Store jam in a dark and dry place until the opening of cans.
Let the flavor of this delicacy keeps you warm in the coldest winter day, and the bright taste will bring a feeling of warmth and fun!

Videoretsept of apricot jam

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