Jam rose petals and strawberries

→ Jam rose petals and strawberries

picture - Jam rose petals and strawberries

400 g sugar

250 ml drinking water

150 g tea-rose petals

100 g strawberries

1/2 tsp. citric acid

To make this jam, you should use a medium-sized strawberries.

Berries go through, remove stem, wash, Pat dry.

Fold the strawberries into the container and pour a third of the sugar, leave to release the juice for 4-5 hours.

Rose petals wash in several waters (damaged and dried leaves don't use) and dry.

Sprinkle petals and a half citric acid, gently RUB them with your hands and stir for a few minutes to leave.

In not enameled pot pour water, add rest of sugar and boil the syrup, then in the finished syrup pour the remaining citric acid.

Put in the syrup petals, then put the strawberries and bring to a boil, boiling jam boil 5 minutes, remove from heat, allow to cool.

The cooled completely jam again put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 min - berries must remain intact.

Allow jam again to cool completely and repeat the cooking procedure 2 more times, but proviva jam after boiling already at 10, instead of 5 minutes

When completely cool jam from rose petals and strawberries to put in a sterilized jar, seal the lid and put in a cool place.

Recipe of the categories: