Raspberry jam - a natural doctor and delicious desserts

→ Raspberry jam - a natural doctor and delicious desserts

picture - Raspberry jam - a natural doctor and delicious desserts

What makes your workpiece grandmothers and mothers? And that is harvested in the winter you? Raspberry jam is likely to include in your list of blanks for the winter, as our grandmothers and mothers. And all because it is one of the best and most delicious desserts-the-blanks, as well as natural doctor who gives us health and excellent health.

With raspberry jam, we meet a very young age - caring relatives always just try this natural medicine to cure a cold in the first place. Explained by the therapeutic effect of this fruit is very simple: it contains salitsillaty (acetylsalicylic acid), having anti-inflammatory action and removes the heat, however, these substances berry slightly smaller than the different tablets so raspberry - a safer therapeutic agent than sorts of pharmaceutical preparations . However, not only the properties of cough and famous for it's wonderful jam - this fragrant, sweet treat with a very pleasant taste allows us to enjoy the most vivid memories of the summer, and so it is perfectly uplifting and gives only the most positive emotions. Therefore, raspberry jam like many, that was not just reflected including filmmakers - for example, was very fond of raspberry jam one of the most famous cartoon characters - Carlson.

To make raspberry jam to spend time and effort, of course, necessary. However, it is not necessary to abandon the preparation of this beautiful blank just because you do it even once - even inexperienced housewife this task on the shoulder, and delicious jam it could happen even with the very first time. Well, we have to make it easier, we will tell all the subtleties, nuances and peculiarities of the preparation of raspberry jam.

Raspberry jam: especially cooking

picture - Raspberry jam - a natural doctor and delicious desserts

Like many other kinds of jam, raspberry better to cook freshly picked berries - then it got really tasty and fragrant. Also raspberry jam is better to cook in an enamel pot or stainless steel container. But before cooking berries directly, of course, you need to prepare: Remove leaves, insects, etc.

To remove raspberry small insects simply lower the berry for 10-15 minutes in salted water (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water) - all insects emerge and berry can then be rinsed with small portions of cold water in a colander under a strong stream of water.

Cooking recipes raspberry jam, there are many, and every woman of trial and error, sooner or later finds the best option is to your taste, but not be long to cook the berries from these recipes should be abandoned, since the long cooking all the nutrients destroyed, and Essentially you cook just an ordinary dessert without medicinal properties. How to keep a maximum of vitamins? Boil raspberries for a minimum of time.

Minimal cooking of the so-called mean-five-minute jam, when the berries are cooked only a few minutes.

Recipe raspberry jam-five-minute

You will need: 1 kg of raspberries, 1 kg of sugar.

How to prepare a five-minute raspberry. Absorb prepared berries with sugar and leave for 3-5 hours - must stand out juice. Put a container of raspberries on the fire, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, then pour into sterile jars and cork.

This method is suitable for cooking jam from almost any fruit, but there are even shorter in terms of time cooking options when the berry does not boil (do not boil).

Recipe for making raspberry jam without boiling

picture - Raspberry jam - a natural doctor and delicious desserts

Need: 5 kg raspberries, 5 kg of sugar.

How to cook quick raspberry jam. In a saucepan or bowl pour the prepared raspberries, fill half the sugar and leave for 2-3 hours. Next, put the raspberries with sugar on the stove on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally - so the sugar dissolves faster, immediately after boiling turn off the stove and leave it on the container of jam to cool down (for a few hours or overnight). The cooled jam again bring to a boil, immediately turn off the stove, add the remaining sugar, stirring constantly to dissolve sugar faster. When the sugar is completely dissolved, pour into sterilized jars for jam, cork lids. Also jam after dissolving sugar can leave for 2-3 hours in the pelvis, and then pour on the banks - it is better infusions.

Cooked raspberry jam on this recipe, you will save a maximum of nutrients berry since it is not boiled, but only brought to a boil, while it will be thick because of a two-stage addition of sugar.

Likewise, you can make jam from frozen raspberries. For this purpose, one must first berries thawed at room temperature in a microwave oven to defrost berries should not because nutrients, again, will be destroyed.

There is another way to cook tasty and healthy raspberry jam.

Recipe grated raspberry jam

Need: 750 g raspberry, 250 g sugar, 150 ml of water.

How to prepare pureed raspberry jam. Bust berries, remove the insects, put in an enamel container, pour water on the low heat bring to a boil, boil for 3-4 minutes, remove from heat, rub through a sieve hot. Pour the raspberry puree in sugar, bring to a boil, but do not boil - just pour the jam on the sterilized jars and roll.

Having prepared raspberry jam on one of the suggested recipes you prepare not only tasty dessert that can be fed alone or added to other sweets - ice cream, pancakes, etc., but also present a drug which has really healing properties. Eat useful raspberry jam and be healthy!

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