Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

→ Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

picture - Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

Pear is one of those few types of fruit, which grows almost everywhere in our country, even in Siberia. Due to this we have a remarkable opportunity to eat really useful and fragrant fruits during harvesting their crop. With pears can be prepared a variety of delicious dishes, including, of course, desserts, which will be discussed in our article.

Pears are cultivated since ancient times - they were eaten in ancient Greece, Persia and the Roman Empire. Presumably, exactly as the birthplace of the fruit is not installed, to cultivate it began in Ancient Greece around the 10th century BC. Today, many centuries later, pear remains one of the most popular and favorite fruit of many people in various parts of the world.

The present name of the fruit is pear, this is transformed over time Slovo "Hrusha" that occurs in our language since the 12th century. Some time in the 17th century) it was called "module" - this name was borrowed from the Polish language, but for some reason everything fell back into place, and the fruit continued to call the pear.

Eat the pear is not only delicious, but also extremely useful: this fruit is loaded with vitamins (a, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, K), minerals (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium, copper) and fatty polyunsaturated and monounsaturated acids. Due to this valuable part of the regular consumption of pears improve the condition of skin, hair and nails, enhance immunity, strengthen tooth enamel and bones, this useful fruit and hypertension, diseases of the urinary tract and kidney, pregnant women, and in many other situations. So regular consumption of pears is a great step on the path to health and beauty.

Dessert recipes made with pears

picture - Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

The number of dishes that you can cook with pears, immense, up to a variety of salads, but today we will discuss the desserts. The number of pear desserts too huge - cakes, a variety of pies, jam and so on, the Most popular dessert of pears when they are baked or cooked with various additives (wine, sugar syrup, and so on) or independently.

Dessert recipe "Baked pear"

You will need: 5 pears, 1/2 lemon, 3 tbsp honey 3 tsp. ground cinnamon.

How to bake pears. Peel pears, cut into quarters and remove the seeds, put in a baking dish, pour the lemon juice, pour liquid honey, stir, sprinkle with cinnamon and bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated 200 degree oven. Before serving, drizzle pears released during the baking juice.

This dessert will be very useful to those suffering from diathesis children and all who are contraindicated sugar, including diabetics.

Pears you can stuff all sorts of Goodies, and then boil or bake.

Recipe baked stuffed pears

You will need: 200 g of sugar, 4 pears solid, 0.5 liters of wine, stuffing - 250 g chocolate bitter, 150 ml of cream with a fat content of 30%, 3 tbsp. nuts, 0.5 l of syrup "grenadine" the lemon juice.

How to make stuffed baked pears. Peel and remove from pear seeds, not cutting them (bottom). Mix wine, lemon juice, sugar syrup and pour over pears. Over medium heat bring the pears in the syrup to the boil, boil for 5-7 minutes. To get pears from the syrup and allow to cool. Nuts peel and finely chop. On a water bath to melt the chocolate, stirring constantly add cream gradually, then the nuts and stir. Prepared mass of stuff the cooled pears, put them in the ice-cream bowls or submit other way.

Very easy to cook pears in chocolate.

Dessert recipe "Pears in chocolate"

picture - Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

You will need: 100 g dark chocolate and ice cream "sundae", 50 g sugar, 20 g butter, 2 large pear.

How to cook pears in chocolate. Peel the pears, but the tails to leave. Pour into a saucepan 1 Cup water, add sugar and dissolve it, put the pears and cook in the syrup for 20 minutes until soft, remove and Pat dry. To evaporate remaining in the pan of syrup in half, put the broken pieces of chocolate, the butter, stir until smooth and remove from heat. Ice cream to put in the ice-cream bowls, he put the pears up tails, pour cooked sauce of chocolate, submit immediately.

Interesting dessert that will please both children and adults - pears in the test.

Dessert recipe "Pears in pastry"

You will need: 250 g of yeast dough, 4 large pear, 1 lemon and egg, 1 tablespoon walnuts, brandy, almonds, raisins, butter and sugar.

How to bake pears in the test. Pour the raisins in brandy, 20 min to leave, finely chopped nuts. Stir raisins, without draining brandy, sugar, nuts, butter. Each pear cut in half, not cutting off the tails, cut, core, and grate the lemon slices and stuff with filling. To connect the halves of pears. Roll out the dough with a layer about 2 mm thick, cut 4 squares (large), pear put in CCenter each, connect the opposite corners of squares, sumipntg dough. The corners of the dough to slightly bend from the tail - cut the dough so as to obtain a "leaves". Separate the egg yolks from whites, protein to coat the inner portion of the folds in the dough, press them. To withstand pear half an hour in the cold, coat with egg yolk and within 15 min bake in a preheated 220 degree oven, then reduce the heat to 190 degrees and cook for 20 minutes

Speaking about the best dessert of pears, not to mention jam - it is very flavorful and delicious.

Recipe for pear jam with pineapple

picture - Recipes for delicious desserts with pears

You will need: 1 kg pears, 800 g of sugar, 200 grams of the pulp of pineapple, 50 ml of water and brandy.

How to make pear jam. Clean pear seeds, cut off the peel, cut into cubes. Just chop the pineapple. Put pears and pineapple in a saucepan, pour water and pour the sugar over high heat, bring to boil, reduce heat, boil half an hour, periodically careful stirring, then remove from heat, add brandy, stir and allow to cool. Pour jam on sterile dry banks and cork.

Cakes and pies with pears also cannot be ignored - they are very tasty and appetizing.

Recipe pear coffee cake

You will need: 150 g of flour, 100 grams of brown sugar, 1 pear and egg, 0.5 cups of milk, 2 tbsp. butter, 1 tbsp. instant coffee 1 tsp. baking powder.

How to make coffee-pear pie. Melt the butter, allow to cool slightly, add milk and slightly beaten egg. Mix the flour with the baking powder, coffee and 1 tablespoon of sugar, stirring, gradually pour milk weight and bring mixture to homogeneity. Cut the pear along plastics. Pour into the pan about 15 cm in diameter of 50 mils of water, add the rest of sugar, over medium heat, bring the sugar to dissolve, put plastic pears, bring to boil, to a minimum to reduce the fire and another 3 minutes to boil, remove from the stove. The oven heated to 180 degrees, pour the dough pears in the pan and 25 minutes to bake the cake. To get the cake from the oven, cover flat dish and turn to him the cake from the pan.

Aside from the wonderful aroma and flavor, dessert of pears is also remarkable for its low calorie content and to prepare them will not be difficult, therefore it is one of the most remarkable options of desserts that will appeal to many. Try it and you!

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