Such different Napoleon: 5 interesting recipes

→ Such different Napoleon: 5 interesting recipes

picture - Such different Napoleon: 5 interesting recipes

Cake Napoleon, has long become a favorite for many, can be prepared not only to the classic recipe, because, as with any other popular dishes, for it was coined by a number of different additions and variations. Read about interesting recipes cake Napoleon in this article.

This wonderful cake that when homemade obtained simply fabulous, can be done in different ways: with honey, fruits, nuts, cocoa, etc. And you can even cook it in the microwave! We have gathered in this article only the most interesting recipes with which you can make a variety of favorite cake flavor.

Recipe One: Napoleon with cocoa

You will need: 200g margarine and butter, 2 cups flour, 1 cup water and sugar, 1 egg, 3 tsp cocoa powder.

How to cook Napoleon with cocoa. Flour and margarine chop with a knife, salt the, gradually pour the water, knead the dough. Divide the dough into 3 parts, each roll into a ball, remove to 1 hour in the freezer. Divide each ball in half, roll 6 cakes. Spread on a baking sheet for 2 cakes and bake them until tender. In a saucepan pour a little water and add the cocoa, add a little sugar, bring everything to a boil, then allow to cool. Butter to soften, add the sugar, pour the cooled cocoa, add egg yolk and beat all the mixer. Protein whip separately and one spoonful carefully add it to the cream in order not settled. Post shortcakes cool, smooth cut them and make a scrap of litter for dusting. Lubricate each cake, except for the top, cream, put them on each other, to put under the press for an hour. Further oil cream cake and sprinkle the top of his chips.

Recipe Two: Napoli with nuts

picture - Such different Napoleon: 5 interesting recipes

You will need: 500g butter, 200g of nuts, sour cream 1 liter, 5 cups of flour, 2 cups of sugar, 1.5 cups of water, vanilla and salt.

How to cook with nuts Napoleon. Sift the flour, add the sliced butter, chop everything into crumbs, pour the water, knead the dough. Divide the dough into 16 pieces, remove 2 hrs in the fridge. Each piece of dough roll into a thin cake, bake in the oven, allow to cool. With sugar Whip the cream, adding vanilla for flavor (sugar should dissolve completely). Nuts chop, add half a cream, stir and fluff cream cakes, two crumbled into a fine crumb. Smear cream cake. Mix crumbs with the remaining nuts and sprinkle the cake.

Third recipe: lemon-honey Napoleon

You will need: 250g fat sour cream, 150g of butter, 4 eggs and a glass of wheat flour, 1 lemon and a glass of sugar, 1.5 cups of powdered sugar, 4 tablespoons honey, 1.5 tsp slaked soda.

How to cook lemon-honey Napoleon. In a water bath to melt the butter with the sugar and honey, let cool. Beat eggs, add to them hydrated soda and flour, knead the dough, divide it into 10chastey, put into the refrigerator. Lemon with peel rubbed on a fine grater. Whip cream with powdered sugar, mix with grated lemon, again beat all and put into the refrigerator. Roll out the dough in the oven at 180 degrees bake thin cakes, punctures before baking them with a fork. One cake crumbled, and the remaining oil cream and put on top of each other. Sprinkle cake crumbs from the cake.

Two recent recipe, which we describe, make use of ready puff pastry.

Recipe Four: Napoleon cake in the microwave

picture - Such different Napoleon: 5 interesting recipes

You will need: 500g puff pastry, 400ml milk, 80g sugar, 50g butter, egg yolk 2, 4 tablespoons wheat flour, vanilla.

How to cook Napoleon in the microwave. Divide dough in half, roll out thinly, bake each layer at a temperature 250gradusov mode to "convection" at low lattice. Egg yolks with sugar, gradually adding flour, thin stream pouring milk to make cream, stir and put in the microwave and cook 5-6min at full power, stirring every minute. When the cream has cooled slightly, add the butter and vanilla, split shortcakes in half ready, fluff cream, connect, smear cream cake on all sides and sprinkle with cut cakes crumbs.

Recipe five: Napoleon with Fruit

You will need: 400g for condensed milk and puff pastry ready, 350g fruit 250g butter 6 eggs 2 cups milk 8 tablespoons sugar, 2 tablespoons cream liqueur 2 tsp starch.

How to cook with fruit Napoleon. Thinly roll out the dough, cut it into circles, bake cakes in the oven at 180 degrees until browning, let cool, and one to break up state crumbs. Whip cream-hot melted butter, pour him condensed milk, continuing to whisk, remove the mixture cold for 30 minutes. Sugar and starch are put into the pot, to drive the egg, stirring 1-2min, then pour the milk and put on low heat, stirring with a wooden spatula until thick warm. As soon as the first bubbles, remove the cream from heat and leave to cool, then pour into a liqueur and mix everything thoroughly. Fluff butter cream cake first, cover with the second, his greased custard, then the third - again the oil, a fourth - boiled, etc. Part of the oil cream should remain for smearing cake. Jagged edges of cake to cut, smear cream, sprinkle with crumbs, decorate the top with fruit.

Napoleon cook a cake with his hands at least once, you will never become buy it off the shelf - it's amazing delicacy win all their great taste and tenderness!

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