White chocolate mousse

→ White chocolate mousse

picture - White chocolate mousse

What you need:

300 g chocolate white

1 l cream

100 g sugar

1 tbsp. the orange liqueur

30 g gelatin

For the sauce:

200 g raspberry

3 tbsp. sugar

1 tbsp. lemon juice

Gelatine to soak in a sixfold quantity of cold boiled water, soak up the swelling, then the excess water drain. Whisk 400 g cream with sugar. The remaining heat cream, put Alemany pieces of chocolate and melt it.

Liqueur mix with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water, add the mixture to gelatin, then pour in the melted chocolate, mix well, cool. Blend, mix and refrigerate until zastudnevaniju.

For the raspberry sauce, combine sugar and lemon juice, heat to dissolve the sugar and cook over low heat for 2 minutes. The sauce cool.

When serving, put from the molds, drop them for a few seconds in hot water. Fill jelly raspberry sauce.

Bon appetit!

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