Meat with prunes

→ Meat with prunes

picture - Meat with prunes

You will need: Beef 1kg brass, Vegetable oil 60 ml Salt 1 tsp. Cinnamon ground ? teaspoon, ground black Pepper ? teaspoon, dried Parsley 1 tsp., dry white Wine (table) 180 ml, Onion (100g) 1 pc.,Tomato puree 200 g, Prunes 400 g

Lean meat cut into small pieces and fry in small portions in a well-heated pan.

When the meat is browned on all sides, put it into a thick-bottomed pan. Season with salt and add spices.

The pan, in which roasted meat, degenerate wine. Pour the wine and let it simmer for a bit. Pour the liquid into the meat.

Onion cut into thin strips and lightly fry until transparent.

Add tomato puree, stir and simmer for another couple minutes.

Onions put on the meat and cook on low heat, covered for 1 hour. During this time the meat should be quite soft. If the liquid is not enough, add a little boiling water.

Then add to the meat washed prunes, pitted, stir.

Cook for another half hour, until the meat will be quite soft. Verify that there is enough salt.

Serve with any suitable side dish or just with vegetables. In the cold too well.

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