Original hot flavored tomato

→ Original hot flavored tomato

picture - Original hot flavored tomato

a pound of any kind of meat

kg About potatoes

one carrot

spices (their number and selection will determine for itself every woman - depending on the tastes, preferences and characteristics of the health of their family members)

In addition, as usual, it will not be without a certain amount of vegetable oil and an indispensable participant in the process - salt

Cooking starts unusually hot quite usual: the meat is cut into slices and medium-sized fried in a skillet. After a few minutes of roasting it added finely chopped onion and a small amount of water: for 5-7 minutes it should be almost completely evaporate. Then lightly pritushennoe meat with onions is spread on the bottom of the pot is filled with water (flush with the meat) and is complemented by a pre-grated carrots, peppers and salted. At this stage, if there is a desire, it is possible to add and various spices. So it is necessary to put out a mixture of meat and vegetables at least 30 minutes.

Potatoes, cut into strips or cubes, at this time lightly fried in vegetable oil. Until a golden crust covered. And then - after an hour stewing meat - is added to the pot. Another 15-18 minutes quenching, and you can add the tomato paste. Then it is necessary to put out another 3-6 minutes all together.

If the water boils in the meat, it is necessary to add to the dish is not burnt. And to add better boiled hot water, not chilled. When you add tomato paste, you can not add water if the liquid does not, then you can put out a dish for a minute or two, and then - let stand for 4-7 minutes.

Recipe of the categories: