Proper breakfast (Photo)

→ Proper breakfast (Photo)

picture - Proper breakfast (Photo)Are you irritable? You still infuriates? Maybe it's in&# 8230; your breakfast! Probably everyone knows the saying: "Eat breakfast myself, dinner Share with a friend, dinner and give the enemy". If your breakfast is correct, it energize you for the day and give a good mood.

But if your breakfast lack of some elements, you risk over the subsequent days to experience resentment, irritability and discomfort.

What should be the "right" Breakfast?

1. Bread or toast should be rich in vitamin B

Some types of bread contain insufficient amounts of vitamin B, which is responsible for the formation of serotonin in the body, the hormone is "responsible" for the happiness and tranquility.

What to do?

First of all, when you next time you choose the bread, pay attention to the fact that it contains the right amount of vitamin B. It can be found on the packaging or ask the seller. Typically, vitamin B rich breads containing nuts or whole grains. If you are still unable to find the sort of bread, rich in vitamin B, then wash down your breakfast glass of orange juice - it compensates for the lack of vitamin A in the body.

picture - Proper breakfast (Photo)2. Do not eat for breakfast too much food with low fat Most confectionery products with low fat, cooked in corn oil, there are harmful acids and fats, some of which can make you lethargic and irritable.

What to do?

Diversify your diet beneficial fats. They can be found in walnuts, flax seeds, and some other crops. Just add them to yogurt or cereal, and you will notice that your mood for the day will improve dramatically.

3. Breakfast should not consist only of fruit

Fruits are rich in nutrients, fiber and vitamins, but they do not have enough magnesium, a substance that prevents the appearance of symptoms of depression and improves mood.

What to do?

Add to your fruit salad a bit of almonds, you can without any problems compensate for the lack of magnesium in the body.

picture - Proper breakfast (Photo)4. Enrich pastries protein If you regularly eat breakfast with sweet pastries and pancakes, remember that a half - two hours after breakfast your blood sugar in your blood may decrease, and this will lead to a deterioration in mood and irritability.

What to do?

Add to your diet a little protein. All you have to do is spread your favorite muffin with peanut or almond butter or eat a couple of boiled eggs or yogurt. In all of these products contain a lot of protein, giving the brain the energy that allows it to withstand stress.

5. Do not forget the coffee
what kind of coffee you choose? we'll show

This primarily refers to those who drink coffee every day. The body gets used to a certain dose of caffeine, and if he does not get it, then the person begins to feel discomfort and lethargy. What to do? If you want to stop drinking coffee, you should not do it drastically. Reduce the dose gradually. Try to replace the usual coffee candies containing caffeine.

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