Chocolate cake: 3 interesting recipe

→ Chocolate cake: 3 interesting recipe

picture - Chocolate cake: 3 interesting recipe

Chocolate cakes, pastries, cakes - a real pleasure for a sweet tooth and shokoladomanov. In this article we will discuss three interesting recipes chocolate cake.

Recipes for chocolate cake, there are hundreds, or maybe thousands - for centuries bakers around the world have experimented with the most favorite product of a sweet tooth, and today decided to prepare this dessert, cooking faced with a huge variety of options. These cakes can be prepared with berries, fruits, nuts and add many other suitable products, but this is not the limit - there are recipes that are used for chocolate cake even vegetables! This is our first recipe.

First recipe: Chocolate cake with zucchini

You will need: 350g courgettes 190g flour, 120g sour cream / yogurt, vegetable oil 100g, 60g softened butter, vanilla sugar 8-10g (1 package), 2 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons cocoa powder, 2 tablespoons strong coffee, 1 tsp ground cinnamon and baking powder on? tsp baking soda and salt.

How to cook a chocolate cake with zucchini. On a fine grater rub or grind blender peeled zucchini, salt the, sustain and drained. All dry mix products, and all the liquid (cream, egg, coffee, vegetable oil and butter) beat, combine these mixture, then add to the dough pressed from the liquid zucchini, stir. Oiled baking pan, pour the batter into it, bake the cake in a preheated 180 degrees 45min form. Check the readiness of wooden toothpick - it should come out of it with piercing dry. You can pour the cake icing or melted chocolate, served with whipped cream.

From tasty and sweet do not want anyone to give up, however, and the figure also want to support - in such cases invented dessert recipes without flour.

Second recipe: Chocolate cake without flour

picture - Chocolate cake: 3 interesting recipe

Need: Dough - 280 g dark chocolate, 150g butter, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon Espresso / dark rum, 1 tsp vanilla extract, salt, cocoa powder, vanilla dough - 230g cream cheese, 2/3 cup sugar, 1 egg, 1 tsp vanilla extract.

How to cook a chocolate cake without flour. Cream cheese and butter from the refrigerator, allow it to reach room temperature, break the chocolate finely. To test vanilla whip cream cheese, add sugar, beat until it has dissolved, to drive the egg, vanilla, beat again. To test the chocolate melt chocolate with butter, stir, cool slightly. Whisking eggs 3-4min mixer, adding to them rum, sugar, vanilla and a pinch of salt, then gradually pour chocolate mixture of oil, making slow speed mixer. Turn the oven on 150gradusov take round split form around 23cm in diameter, to lay her parchment. Pour into a mold half chocolate dough, top with a spoon vanilla, around it - the rest of the chocolate, with a spoon to make arbitrary patterns. Hit form on the table a few times - remove air bubbles. Bake the pie in a preheated oven for about 45 minutes, then get, cool for half an hour at room temperature. Before serving, put the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 h. Sprinkle the cake before serving cocoa.

But for those who do not have time for long culinary experiments - the following recipe of chocolate cake without baking.

Recipe for chocolate cake without baking

You will need: 250g chocolate wafers, chopped 250g dark chocolate 100g melted butter, 4 egg yolks, 2 cups of milk and whipping cream, 1 cup sugar, 3 tbsp corn starch, 1 tablespoon dark rum, 1.5 tsp vanilla extract, crushed chocolate supply.

How to cook a chocolate cake without baking. In fine crumb blender grind wafers, mix with melted butter, put in shape, flatten, making the bottom and bumpers framework put into the refrigerator for half an hour. Stir into skillet 2/3 cup sugar and starch. Separately, mix the egg yolks with the milk, beaten slightly, pour the mixture into a saucepan with the sugar to starch, include medium heat, boil for 10-12min, stirring occasionally, until thickened, remove from heat. Melt the chocolate, pour it into a saucepan, add the vanilla and rum, pour in the cooled cake mass, cover with cling film, remove to 8 hours in the refrigerator (better - on the day). The remaining sugar and beat until the cream splendor, decorate cake feeding, sprinkle with chocolate chips.

A cup of hot tea, a slice of cake tender and tasty, pleasant conversation - such evenings energized and forces for a new day. Prepare chocolate cake for themselves and their families, and good mood will not take long!

Recipe of the categories: