Tenderloin with tomatoes and cream

→ Tenderloin with tomatoes and cream

picture - Tenderloin with tomatoes and cream

600 g clippings

150 g red tomatoes

1 glass cream

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

1,5 tbsp. flour
what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show




Cutting cut across the grain into portions (4 pieces), pieces slightly repel, salt, pepper, spread one side with mustard and give a little bit (25-30 minutes) to lie down in a cool place. Then roll the meat in flour and lightly fry in heated oil in a small saucepan or deep frying pan, add sliced tomatoes, previously scalded, peeled, bring to boil and simmer, covered for 3 minutes. Pour meat cream, mixed with the remaining flour, heat to boiling and simmer for a further 2 minutes. Served hot with vegetables.

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