Stuffed with minced meat and stagism

→ Stuffed with minced meat and stagism

picture - Stuffed with minced meat and stagism


500 g stages

500 g meat

200 g carrots

100 g onion

1/4 tsp. ground black pepper

1 glass figure

salt - to taste

For cabbage you can take any kind of meat - beef, pork, lamb. Tastier get stuffed, if you use beef and pork, taken in equal quantities.

For cooking minced meat, wash, cut into pieces and mince. Wash rice and soak in water for 1-2 hours. Stages rinse, pour boiling water, stand for 2-3 minutes, then cut into very small pieces (about the size of a grain of rice). Onions, carrots clean, rinse, chop and fry in fat. Connect the prepared vegetables with meat, soaked rice, add salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.

The resulting minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves, previously scalded with boiling water. Cooked cabbage rolls are placed in the pan, poured salted boiling water and cook under cover until tender.

How to choose a meat grinder. We'll show you.

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