Zrazy potato with meat

→ Zrazy potato with meat

picture - Zrazy potato with meat

1 kg potatoes

2 eggs

200 g raw or cooked meat

1 onion

what kind of flour should I choose? we'll show

1 tbsp. crushed crackers

4 tbsp. butter

4 tbsp. grated cheese


Potatoes cooked in a "uniform" the day before, peel and grate, add the flour, eggs and knead the dough. 1 tbsp. oil to heat in a pan, saut in it chopped onion, add the breadcrumbs, minced meat and simmer until cooked.

Roll the dough in the seam, cut into rectangular pieces, each piece put a spoonful of stuffing and roll so that the meat was completely closed test. Then in boiling salted water to cook zrazy until then, until you emerge. Remove from water with a slotted spoon, place on a dish, pour melted butter and sprinkle with grated cheese. Serve with salad.

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